I did this many moons ago! How do you remove the Default AI Traffic?
there is a certain traffic.bgl file you have to find and rename to traffic.lgb
I forget the name of the file.... it is usually like traffic76549.bgl or some such combination of numbers.
Thanks "b"!
I'm off and huntin'
The one you want is traffic030528.bgl and it can be found in the fs9/scenery/world/scenery folder. 😀
Thanks guys!
Perfect...went straight to it.
What are you using instead of the default AI now?
World of AI for KPHL (my home port) and KJFK.
I also use the Military AI for KADW with AF11.
This being a learning simulator, I found that when you chose an airline, you also get the airports they fly to. I know this may seem elamentry to some, but I feel like a kid in a candy store now!
And yes...the FPS take a hit, but I'm running AI at max and lose only 6-10 FPS.
I downloaded every airline serviced at KPHL, and I have great AI anywhere I fly now.
I think that's a very good choice. Of course you're gonna take a frame hit, why do you think MS put such inferior AI as the default in their sims 🙂
Having said that, there is still a general consensus that WOAI and MILAI are gentle on the frames considering the good quality.
The beauty about it - as you've figured out - is that you do not HAVE to make flight plans unless you're a stickler for time tables.
Keep us posted 🍻
I got a little silly and went to the American Airlines WEB sight, and researched a flight from KPHL to KLAX. I got the real world flight numbers and times for a given day. I adjusted my Aircraft.cfg to reflect this info for my b767 and loaded the flight. I was surprised that the exact flight was shown in the WOAI. Whn I flew the flight, I was only 17 minutes off the arrival! Not bad.
And yes, MS did a lousy job. I wish I could get the knowledge to design my own Flight Simulator!
waj2306 wrote:
I wish I could get the knowledge to design my own Flight Simulator!
I was wondering about the motivation for such a gargantuan task. You probably like the challenge and the way you're going you might just get there. I'll be the first in line to score a signed copy 😀
I'm so fed up with Microsoft atm that I've been ogling X-Plane more and more lately. Obviously, it's a very small community compared to that of MSFS and making the switch would probably result in disappointment in several ways. Just like switching Cuban cigars for those made in Russia or Russian Vodka for Vodka made in Cuba... you know what I mean.
...but just the fact that you can run X-Plane on an Apple makes me lick my chops. I'm not bashing MS... but think about it:
In order to run FSX at full capacity, you require DX10. In order to run DX10, you require Vista. In order to run Vista, you need a new computer. Remember Apple's anti-MS ads when Vista was first released? It pretty much summed it up.
Now, does anyone really believe that MS wants us to build our own rigs??? No, no, no!!! They want us to BUY pre-fabricated rubbish...
Now, which of the brand computers on the market actually meets all the requirements for FSX PLUS the ability to make at least minor upgrades in the future? None.
Sorry about the rant... just caught myself in free fall there... but hey, you gotta criticize MS occasionally otherwise those sanctimonious b s get too complacent.
Regards 😀
To read ones rant is to gleen information or answers to questions unasked or thought of!
I'm glad your on my side! LOL
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