Anyone who happens to visit here, please tell me how to install scenery?
When you download it, there will be a read-me included. Just follow that.
They are usually the same but one explanation doesn't do it for all, just like different aircraft take different instaltion.
Ok - thanks...
Lets hope that i works...
😀 Hello WAKE-9
Regards installing scenery there is some nice self installing scenery for Europe i spotted at:-
There are a lot of downloads, mostly vids but there are some good scenery files there
Its a Dutch site and they welcome all visitors you will have to create an account to access the downloads though, but hay ho its free
Ps dont forget to click activate as its installing.....and thats it. Open fs2002 and just go to wherever you d/loaded
😀 Good luck and welcome to the world of flight sim😀
Thanks tomthetank - i'll have a blast - just got gmax (how the @$*% does it work???) 😀
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