Majorly confusing internet issue

Pro Member First Officer
Vanya First Officer

Last night both of my computer's internet connections failed, within seconds of each other. One is a hardwired desktop and the other is a wireless laptop. My parents computers, a hardwired Mac and two wireless laptops, still work fine. Reseting the Modem didn't work, nor did reseting our Linksys WRT350N router.

My desktop is running XP SP2 with a static IP of
My laptop is running Vista Business with a static IP of

Seting the computers to use an automatically assigned IP didn't work.

Both my computers can connect to and access the router with no problem. I don't want to change any of the router's settings without knowing what they do.

I've heard other people complain about this issue, and smoe others have suggested the prolem has to do with DHCP.

Can anyone help me figure this out? If I need to provide extra info, just let me know.

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Pro Member First Officer
Vanya First Officer

Problem solved. What did I do? Absolutely nothing. My internet just started working again.

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

Modern technology is a wonderful thing, isn't it? 😕

Pro Member First Officer
Vanya First Officer

Welshflyer wrote:

Modern technology is a wonderful thing, isn't it? 😕


I just don't understand how it can fail on two of five computers simultaneously and then come back the same way.

Pro Member First Officer
Concorde105 First Officer

Vanya wrote:

Problem solved. What did I do? Absolutely nothing. My internet just started working again.

That's weird. Normally, I restart the router cause my Mac laptop crashes it, but if restarting doesn't work, doing nothing does???


Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

Welshflyer wrote:

Modern technology is a wonderful thing, isn't it? 😕

It certainly is Welsh! 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

Sounds like it was your ISP not your equipment. You sure you paid your bill?

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