Aircraft radius?

Pro Member Trainee
Jive1 Trainee


Where or in which file is the information of the radius of an FS9 aircraft, and, is it possible to set the radius if the designer forgot to set it? How should I set the radius?

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Pro Member First Officer
Pete (pdegraff) First Officer

What radius?
The radius of the propeller? That would be half of its diameter.
Tha operating radius? That would be half of its range (assuming no wind) less reserves for contingencies.

What radius????

Respectfully, Pete

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer

Are you refering to the PARKING radius? If this is correct, then use AFCAD to change, adjust or minipulate the parking radius.

Pro Member First Officer
Pete (pdegraff) First Officer

But he wants to know what the radius IS! Not how to mess with it (I think)...

(and I am still puzzled by the request....) What's a "parking radius"? Is it the AREA that a plane takes up in a parking space?

Respectfully, Pete

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer

There are TWO Radius'! One is the actual physical radius the aircraft takes up, and the other is the radius used on the parking spot to tell the flight simulator what SIZE aircraft to park at a given location or gate! Now....if he wants to know an aircrafts radius, he can google that particular manufacturers aicraft for the actual radius. Now...if it is a hybrid aircraft, I take the actual wing span or fuselage length, whichever is longest and add 20% to arive at the radius to PLACE a gate or parking spot using AFCAD!

Pro Member First Officer
Colin Reece (Col7777) First Officer

There is a small program called 'Paking Manager' that sets the radius for you, but you can change it if you want to either lager or smaller, very easy to use.

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