Glasgow to Gatwick

Pro Member Trainee
Fitzy71 Trainee

Hi guys

New to forum so please bear with me.

Hi to everyone and what a great forum guys.

I've tried a search to find answer to my question with no luck on the answers, so here goes.

I've managed to grasp all the basics of FSX, and done most of the lessons, but now i'm up to starting my own flighs and routes etc. But once i've chosen my start and finish airports and set up and saved the flight plan i take of ok and follow the route as close as i possibly can. I acknowlegde all the ATC changes along the route and listen to their instructions carefully etc, but once i get to Gatwick i don't recieve any landing or approach instructions so i just end up circlinh for ages and trying all different things in the ATC window and still no approach instructions.

Can anyone help me here, or know a link on the forum to help me out.



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Pro Member First Officer
Accelor First Officer

I haven't been doing this long myself but, I believe you need to choose IFR instead of VFR at the time your building your mission to get Tower instruction.

Pro Member Trainee
Fitzy71 Trainee

Thanks, just came to the same conclusion myself, but when i'm close to Gatwick the directions Gatwick approach give me, have me either to far right or laeft and i have to keep declaring missed approach. Have been circling for 30 mins now and each time they have me to far left or right each time. Anyone have any ideas? Do i need to turn the Flight Director on or leave it off?



PS. I'm flying the 737-800, if that helps and trying to land with Autopilot on, what buttons should have the green lights on?

Pro Member First Officer
n7xlq1 First Officer

Sounds like to me, you're not inputting the ILS freq of the runway your assigned to, and the course heading if there is one.

Pro Member Trainee
Fitzy71 Trainee

All sorted now thanx, amazing what you discover after a few crashes.

One other thing, is there a way to change the airport ID's in FSX so that it use real world ID's like Gatwick = LGW and Heathrow = LHR etc and not the made up codes it currently uses.


Pro Member First Officer
Llain First Officer

The airport ID's FSX uses are correct, the airport code for heathrow is EGLL and Gatwick is EGKK. All airport codes are 4 digits and UK airports begin with EG

Pro Member Trainee
Fitzy71 Trainee

Sorry, what i meant was in the real world Gatwick has the ID = LGW, Heathrow = LHR and Luton= LTN, Los Angelas= LAX, etc, etc.

Is there some sought of legal reasoning why FSX can't use the real word airport ID's?


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Llain has already pointed you in the right direction. The codes you are referring to such as LGW, LAX etc. are called IATA codes which you will see on your airline ticket, baggage tag, flight itinerary and on those big departures/arrivals signs inside the airport.

Airline operations like flight plans and ATC use the 4 digit ICAO codes mentioned by Llain thus LAX becomes KLAX etc.

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