
Pro Member Captain
Rodney Jacobs (GundamWZero) Captain

Well, I think its now time to upgrade.

Since the movers lost my copy of FSX: Acceleration, I decided to buy FSX: Deluxe Edition along with a new copy of Acceleration.

Why? Well, through my journey with FSX, I found out that there are cooler "Easter Eggs" inside the Deluxe Edition....and it is all hinged around the SDK package that is only installed with Deluxe. If you don't have the deluxe edition, you can't use the eggs inside. So as I transfer all my downloaded aircraft files, I would like to know what are some good programs I can use to enhance my experience with FSX. One I have in mind is a airport creator, but I can't remember what it was.

So give me a hand and give me some good ideas. 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

I take it you've got Ultimate Terrain X already?

Pro Member Captain
Rodney Jacobs (GundamWZero) Captain

Yeah..... I am waiting for REX though.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Re your airport creator... in case you were thinking of ScruffyDuck the site seems to be down but you might find some contacts via this link:


Click on FSDeveloper Community top left hand corner you may or may not find useful contacts there.

You weren't by any chance thinking of Abacus' EZ Scenery or Flight1's Instant Scenery?

Pro Member Captain
Rodney Jacobs (GundamWZero) Captain

I am pretty sure it wasn't from Abacus, but I am going through my external HDD now to find it. I put FSX on a brand new, 500GB HDD that is solely intended for FSX and BF2 and its mods.

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