Using a Midi Sound board with Flight Sim

Pro Member First Officer
Bob (Traches) First Officer

I happen to do some music recording, and own a novation midi controller. A Midi sound board creates digital signals based on the positions of its controls that a computer can read, as opposed to manipulating analog signals like a traditional sound board.

It looks like this:

Bottom line- this thing has 8 sliders and 8 knobs for a total of 16 axes, plus 46 usable buttons, 8 pots (Like knobs but they spin forever, instead of only going around once), and large customizable displays capable of displaying a name (like "Autopilot master" or "Select Comm 1") and position for each and every one of those controls. Though it was designed for music production, does that not scream use me for freaking flight sim???

Unfortunately, getting the thing to actually work with flight sim was quite an ordeal. There is a lot of software that will take a joystick and convert it to a midi controller, but almost none that will do the opposite. Apparently not many people own specialized midi controllers and want to use them to play video games... 😀

After almost giving up, I found a program called GlovePIE... It was designed originally as an interface scripting tool for virtual reality gloves, but eventually grew to cover just about any piece of hardware that can talk to a computer. (Right now it's pretty well known for being able to set up a WiiMote as a game controller on a computer over a bluetooth connection.) It looks like the midi function was added as an afterthought, but it was all I needed! (Though a little more documentation and reference would be nice... The help file was nowhere to be found 😛 )

What it let me do is write a script that took a given midi output and send it to a virtual joystick (Program called PPJoy, looks like it hasn't been in development in a few years!) This virtual stick shows up to the computer (and therefore flight sim, or any game) as an actual piece of hardware. I had to make 2, because each virtual joystick can only support 8 axes. It took awhile, because I had to set up my midi controller with specific outs (Each output gets what's called a control change number), name each out (So each control's name would show on the displays), and then set up each one in GlovePIE before I could start mapping them in flight sim. Most of this was done by manually entering controller numbers for each control, as well as a few other parameters that needed to be set in order for them to behave properly. It was pretty tedious.

Worth it though! Now in addition to my x52 joystick, I have 4 individual prop, mixture, and throttle controls, left, and right brakes, flaps, and trim set to physical controls. I'd cut down on the mixture and prop controls, but frankly FS doesn't have any other useful axes left. I've also got most of the important stuff mapped to keys; autopilot controls, radio tuning (I fly on FS-MP, tuning radios with a mouse sucks), engine starters, lights, and whatever else.

I haven't quite finished though; figuring out how to make the pots behave is pretty difficult, as is getting the pads (the big squares at the bottom on the left side.) as they are velocity sensitive and don't work like regular buttons do. That's a project for another day though, i have enough buttons for now 🙂

Having a gazillion buttons is worthless if you can't remember what they do...The displays are the freaking awesome part-- They show information for a selected row, which is shown by the buttons and lights on both ends of the board. When I want to know what a control is, I hit the button for the corresponding row and just read.

Here it's showing info on the second row of buttons (The "off" means that the button is not being pressed, not that the corresponding system in FS is off. I wish I was smart enough to figure that out...)

And here it is saying what each of the sliders do, as well as giving their position on a scale from 0 to 127. (Except for trim, which is shown from -64 to 65).

So yeah basically I don't use my keyboard or mouse anymore...

The controller cost about 300 bucks when i got it. I'm not sure how this compares to your average fs-designed piece of hardware, but for the functionality it seems like a pretty good deal.

Oh, I strongly recommend glovepie for anyone who owns a joystick and wants a little more control over it. It gives you a very powerful scripting interface that lets you mess with the raw data that your joystick's feeding to FS. It also lets you set up your wiimote as a joystick 🙂

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Pro Member First Officer
oldsamer First Officer


This is just the setfor the Captain!

Pro Member First Officer
Bob (Traches) First Officer

Hehe, I don't know if he wants the headache that setting it up is... 😀

It's finished! Every control input it's got works now. I went ahead and got the payware version of FSUIPC because it adds a whole bunch of axes and button commands that aren't present in the default FSX menu.

I can take any one of the default fsx planes from cold and dark at the gate on a fairly basic flight without ever touching the mouse or keyboard; including using the autopilot, all lights, and tuning radios. For a regular flight I can do 95% of everything through the stick and the board. (Only things I need the mouse or keyboard for are the Shift+1-9 view commands, the gps/nav switch, and any radio setup more involved than setting the comm1/nav1 standby frequency and switching it over.)

Did I put too much time into it? Probably. 😎 Was it worth it? Only because I should be studying for class in a couple hours... Embarassed

Rocco T Guest

yeez, thats what I was looking for...I'll try it with my Axiom 49 Controller 🙂

Rocco T Guest

Whats your GlovePIE Script for the Midi Keyboard. I got both PIE and PPJOY running on Win7 64, but Input Detection in PIE is not working for the Axiom 49 so far. It's connected via USB. Any tips appreciated. cheers!

Pro Member First Officer
Bob (Traches) First Officer

Dude, I haven't messed with this in years. Hope you can figure it out though!

nighteing6977 Guest

Glovepie is also great for voice commands, as any assigned key can be scripted to activate by any voice command you desire to attach it to. That means that all flight simulator keyboard functions can be achieved by simply talking into a microphone. I have most all functions for flightsim assigned and use the left mouse button as a com switch to talk. Some examples:
I say "gear up" and I hear a programed response of "gear up" and the landing gear handle moves up because the command GEAR UP is assigned to the G key. I say "exterior view" or "spot view" and viola, my viewpoint is changed. Yes, multiple commands can be assigned to a single function as well as a single command assigned to perform several functions. The computer voice responses are a nice confirmation that the command was heard and understood. I could have scripted the responses to playback a pre-recorded .wav file as well. Adding Glovepie scripts to fsx missions is a marriage made in heaven........ I sure hope that this is incorporated into the mission development software soon. I'd love to start sharing my missions, but I just don't believe that more than one software package should be required to run it. Glovepie is free to download and distribute, however I just don't think that many would want to have to go through the extra step to run a mission when they are so accustomed to the plug and play method.....

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