Pro Member Trainee
letmepass Trainee

Hi everyone! Recently i have downloaded PMDG 747-800, wached videos in youtube and so on..but now i want to train in my country, making flyghts from EYVI (Vilnius) to EYKA (Kaunas) (here are charts ), and here is the problem! when i try to enter all the waypoints FMC cant find many of them! I'm talking about the waypoints from charts for example, i can get only VNO DME, AVN, ELEKA and LANAN into FMC legs, but how can i make for example a fix to D5.0/R-014 VNO (it is when you departuring from Vilnius) it gives me only one logical (which is near me) waypoint of VNO which is NDB (the green one in the map), when i type into fixes page D5 and make it R-014, it brings me few of them, but it is in oposite direction of the way i am departing to it cant find D5.0, its not in database. So how can i know when i'm crossing the D5.0/R-014 ?? and what about other waypoints, for exmaple ELEKA 1A, ELEKA 2L, D13.0 KNA, D11.0/R-090 KNA ? why FMC cant find them? or they arent a waypoints?=] sorry for my english and long question, hope you'll answer me =] if this is not tough for you, please write me what should i type in legs and fixes step by step for this route, so the route will be like in the chart =] Thank you, i'll be waiting for the answere =]

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Pro Member Trainee
Prozac919 Trainee

Hey, I got the chance to fly a Learjet into Kaunas for real about four years ago. The reason you can't find these waypoints is that they don't exist in the FMS software library (they don't have every worldwide waypoint). I fly 737s for real so let me think how you can do this from memory. You'll have to use the FIX function on the FMC. Define the waypoint you want by a LAT LONG or radial DME. You'll then have to copy it to the scratch pad and then input it on the LEGS page of the route. You can only do one fix at a time so you will have to move back and forth between the FIX and the LEGS pages on the FMC. I hope this helps. Personally, I would suggest flying the approaches and arrivals the old fashion way which is to tune up your VORs and ILS frequencies and fly the radials.

Good luck, I don't know if this helps or not.

Pro Member Trainee
Prozac919 Trainee

I pulled up my version of the PMDG 737. The FMC doesn't have any of the Kaunus waypoints. There weren't even any of the approaches or departures built in. The other problem is this FMC on the sim doesn't have near the capabilities of the real aircraft. Again, your only solution is to build the waypoint one by one on the FIX page. You'll have to define these off of navaids already in the software database. When you pull up the FIX page you will see at 1Left the word FIX. Type in the Navaid you want to define the waypoint off of. Below that it says RAD/DME on 2L. Type in the radial with the / then the DME distance. It should now have some text on the very bottom on 6L. If not, select line 2L again and it will enter some text in 6L. When text is written on the bottom left line, it is in the scratchpad and ready for entry elsewhere. Here you can now go to the LEGS page and enter the fix you just defined.

Pro Member Trainee
letmepass Trainee

Firstly, I want to say big thanks to you ;]

From the day I posed the message i wached a lot of vidios, so I now understan much more than then..;D I'm not the pilot, so I know something only by watching videos or reading...

Now for example a Kaunas (rw 26) approach I'm doing like this:



So, I am flying to the D13 KNA then turn right to intercept D11 KNA or R-090 KNA and then turn to lanan and begin my descend to the final.

Is it right??=]


Pro Member First Officer
CaptDennison First Officer

Its Right, only if it gets you to where you wanted to go

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