Well after removing the problematic FSX from my computer and replacing it with FS9, I am pretty happy with the game. I do miss the Grumman Goose, but then there is the 208 Caravan Amphibian. I find the aircraft look and flight dynamics are all very similar to those in FSX. I am finding it a struggle with the scenery however as FSX has really good scenery graphics which by comparison make those in FS9 pretty basic. A small thing like the look of the ocean, islands, and airport details offered in FS9 looks really awful when compared to the detailed world of FSX. If you compare, the blocky squared off features in FS9 to the fluid realistic look of FSX it is very noticable. I'm wondering if there is a way to tweak the scenery in FS9? I've got everything set at the highest settings with all the options checked, but does anyone know if there are easy downloads to improve the overall look? I never resolved the install and error issues of FSX on my PC, so getting another copy of FSX is not an option.
You could of course buy something like http://www.megascenery.com/before.htm or you can go the free route with avsim.
They (avsim) won't open now, they've had problems the last few days.
Look here for downloadable free scenery.
You can check http://www.fsgenesis.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc for 1st class landclass and other improvements.
Thanks I will look at these. Other thn the somewhat dated look of the scenery I like FS9. It's a lot smoother than FSX with little or no problems.
I've ordered the FSgenisis terrrain bundle, and it will be interesting to see what that looks like. It cost about the same as I got for my copy of FSX when I sold it so I figure I'm at least even.
7ECA-Captain wrote:
I've ordered the FSgenisis terrrain bundle, and it will be interesting to see what that looks like. It cost about the same as I got for my copy of FSX when I sold it so I figure I'm at least even.
They make some of the finest products, you'll be happy with them.
I was looking at getting north america, @ $29.00, but they had a deal on a bundle for the entire world for $39.00 so for the extra $10.00 it was well worth it. They show the regular bundle price for $147.00 so it was a no brainer even though I don't fly outside of Western Canada and the US. I wasn't sure if North America much east of Florida so why not order the bundle eh? Be interesing to see what differnence it makes. I'm flying a lot from southern florida and bahamas, and the look of the water is kinda bugging me I hope I cacn find a way to improve this as well. I see sticky posted on some interesting downloads which look worthwhile? I think I'm going to be very busy over the next few weeks.
Try some of the free water improvement downloads and if they don't do the trick this might.
This is by far the best water I have used (I like the 'Realistic' option the best) 😉
PS: Probably as close as FSX water as youll get
Cheeks wrote:
This is by far the best water I have used (I like the 'Realistic' option the best) 😉
http://www.zinertek.com/flightsimulator/ultimatewaterfx.htmlPS: Probably as close as FSX water as youll get
It sure looks good Cheeks, any idea if this would clash with Flight1's Flight Environment?
Tailhook wrote:
Cheeks wrote:
This is by far the best water I have used (I like the 'Realistic' option the best) 😉
http://www.zinertek.com/flightsimulator/ultimatewaterfx.htmlPS: Probably as close as FSX water as youll get
It sure looks good Cheeks, any idea if this would clash with Flight1's Flight Environment?
Ive got both, and they run fine, as long as you install FE First and then install Ultimate Water, it should work like a charm 😉
Thanks for the HU Cheeks - so let me get this straight. FE has already been on my system since biblical times. So you're saying, just install Ultimate Water and everything is sweet?
Do I have to disable the Water options in FE or use any other magic tricks?
Thanks again
Tailhook wrote:
Thanks for the HU Cheeks - so let me get this straight. FE has already been on my system since biblical times. So you're saying, just install Ultimate Water and everything is sweet?
Do I have to disable the Water options in FE or use any other magic tricks?Thanks again
Just install UW and you should be ready to go 😉
Ok, thanks again - wilco. I have you know that I'm loading my six-shooter prior to embarking on this adventure 🙂)
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