FSX crashes at 100%

Pro Member Trainee
1LtLoric Trainee

I've been having an issue with FSX crashing when it gets to 100 per cent for a couple of months. It'll load as fast as normal, but sometimes when it gets to 100 per cent is just crashes. The little blue circle comes up (hourglass for XP) and it just dies.

Any ideas?

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Pro Member First Officer
Orion (ollyau) First Officer

Try disabling your AI. You could have had installed a bad AI file, and those can crash FSX.

Pro Member First Officer
Bob (Traches) First Officer

What addons have you installed? If any, start uninstalling them in reverse order, and see which causes the crash. If that doesn't work, try with different airplanes and different settings until you figure it out... Or you could just reinstall, which you may end up having to do anyway.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Delete the log file and see if that does it.
If not delete the fsx.cfg, the Sim will build a new one.
Hope this does it.


Pro Member First Officer
Accelor First Officer

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling yet ❓

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