
Pro Member Trainee
flysully Trainee

does anyone know of a bae-146 with a vc[freeware/payware]that is either out or in development.just love the aircraft

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Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

You can eaither get,


There is also a good payware one, but i can't remember who makes it. I think Flight1 have a nice one.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain
Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain


Pro Member Trainee
flysully Trainee

I didnt know about jon murchinsons bae ever havin a vc.thanks

Pro Member Trainee
Bartfs Trainee

flysully wrote:

I didnt know about jon murchinsons bae ever havin a vc.thanks

No, that model doens't have a VC. They do have wingviews.
I guess nobody ever thought of making a decent Avro. 🙄

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

This one was pretty good for 2002 (have'nt got the 2004 version) no VC though!,4951419530,DF01425

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Aahh the good old days when simmers flew aircraft instead of VCs... 🙂)

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

Tailhook wrote:

Aahh the good old days when simmers flew aircraft instead of VCs... 🙂)

🙂) 🙂) It's 2D or nothing for me, i can't stand VC's Yucky

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

I'd strongly suggest you lose the 2D as well and just retain the PFD on the bottom of your screen... or even better lose the PFD as well, you're more likely to spot the sharks that have a tendency to sneak up on you from below Fear

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