Okay. I downloaded FlightSim Nation's Nimitz class carrier. I Used the auto installer, but when I go to the Select an aricraft page, the carrier doesnt appear. Is this just an update for an earlier craft? I've tried downloading it 3 times with no luck each time. Pleas help me
All right, the first thing you have to do is find it. In your Aircraft Manufacturer list look for Microsoft. Now you'll see the carrier in your display screen hovering like an aircraft.
Next change your location to TNCM. Open your map and drag the little aircraft icon (it's really the carrier) out into the open ocean. Release Pause and Brakes and you should see something like this:
...and now you can drive it like a car or a camel -- it'll do anything but fly 😛
I've no idea whether you can actually land on or launch off this carrier.
You can land on the carrier but you can not catapult off the carrier.
GundamWZero wrote:
You can land on the carrier but you can not catapult off the carrier.
Please do enlighten me, Sir
So I've placed this carrier somewhere as in my pics above. Now to land on it, I have to select an aircraft... right? But, when I select an aircraft, that carrier will be gone...
How do you do it?
Tailhook wrote:
GundamWZero wrote:
You can land on the carrier but you can not catapult off the carrier.
Please do enlighten me, Sir
So I've placed this carrier somewhere as in my pics above. Now to land on it, I have to select an aircraft... right? But, when I select an aircraft, that carrier will be gone...
How do you do it?
You can't...
That carrier is actually an aircraft.
To get a fully functional carrier in Free Flight, you'll need to get an AI carrier such as the Acceleration one or the newly released Nimitz carrier (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=17845). Once you have one of those, you can the the AI Carriers 2 r2 program (http://lc0277.nerim.net/AICarriers2r2.zip) or the AI Boat Traffic Compiler (http://lc0277.nerim.net/boat/) to make an AI carrier in free flight. If you'd like, I have a couple AI files for the Acceleration carrier and the newly released Nimitz carrier, just tell me if you'd like them.
To get a fully functional carrier in multiplayer, you need to either use SimConnect or a mission. I don't believe there are any SimConnect applications to place a carrier in 1 specific spot (ideal for multiplayer), but there is a mission available here: http://www.strikingsoftware.com/fswc.shtml
ollyau wrote:
That carrier is actually an aircraft.
Oh come on, now you're just screwing with me
I'm afraid the multiplayer scene scares the hell out of me... grapevine has it it's the next thing up from chat rooms full of rude kids 😳
Anyway, down to business. Have Acceleration but think that Javier's Nimitz in conjunction with the aicarrier2 app finally make Acc. worthwhile having.
Thanks for the link to the Boat Traffic Compiler page, looks like an excellent reference and app to boot.
If you'd like, I have a couple AI files for the Acceleration carrier and the newly released Nimitz carrier, just tell me if you'd like them.
Thanks for the offer and yes, I would very much like to get my paws on those AI files, just post them here if you don't mind 🍻
You can always use FSrecorder! Record yourself sailing around and then play the recording back as traffic with you in a Bug 😀
Hope it helps -- The best solutions are the ones that aren't obvious
Took me a while to figure it out. Sometimes FSX can be aggravating with the inobvious solutions
Hope it helps though.
Thanks for your suggestion Sam, I've been on the FS Recorder page for a while and what you're saying works 😎
Problem I'm having recently is that FS Recorder crashes FSX -- has only started about 2 weeks ago. No idea yet why, used to work flawlessly. I'm still trying to figure out what needs to be uninstalled to make it work again... 🤔
...maybe FSX...? 😛
Tailhook wrote:
ollyau wrote:
That carrier is actually an aircraft.
Oh come on, now you're just screwing with me
I'm afraid the multiplayer scene scares the hell out of me... grapevine has it it's the next thing up from chat rooms full of rude kids 😳
Anyway, down to business. Have Acceleration but think that Javier's Nimitz in conjunction with the aicarrier2 app finally make Acc. worthwhile having.
Thanks for the link to the Boat Traffic Compiler page, looks like an excellent reference and app to boot.If you'd like, I have a couple AI files for the Acceleration carrier and the newly released Nimitz carrier, just tell me if you'd like them.
Thanks for the offer and yes, I would very much like to get my paws on those AI files, just post them here if you don't mind 🍻
The one for the default Acceleration carrier is available as part of my San Francisco Bay Area Living World package, and the one for the Nimitz is on my hard drive and isn't uploaded anywhere. Can you PM me your email address?
Did you get the email with the AI?
Yes thank you 😀
Tailhook wrote:
ollyau wrote:
That carrier is actually an aircraft.
Oh come on, now you're just screwing with me
I'm afraid the multiplayer scene scares the hell out of me... grapevine has it it's the next thing up from chat rooms full of rude kids 😳
Anyway, down to business. Have Acceleration but think that Javier's Nimitz in conjunction with the aicarrier2 app finally make Acc. worthwhile having.
Thanks for the link to the Boat Traffic Compiler page, looks like an excellent reference and app to boot.If you'd like, I have a couple AI files for the Acceleration carrier and the newly released Nimitz carrier, just tell me if you'd like them.
Thanks for the offer and yes, I would very much like to get my paws on those AI files, just post them here if you don't mind 🍻
Tailhook, go to the FlightSim Nation website and get all the info you need to fly in their server. The moderators are fierce and are quick to boot and ban those annoying kids off thier server. Also they run their server off an IP address (no Gamespy) and use Ventrilo to keep the bandwith running good. They are a great bunch of guys to fly with, too.
Thanks for the HU Gundam I'll check it out
The moderators are fierce...
-- so am I!! 😛
I hope they won't mind my strong Russian accent...
Tailhook wrote:
Thanks for the HU Gundam I'll check it out
The moderators are fierce...
-- so am I!! 😛
I hope they won't mind my strong Russian accent...
Great......we will defintely have a mix bag.....couple of Canadians, few Brits, and a dash of Yanks for flavor. 😀
the Aircraft Carrier's deck is invisible for me... HELP please!
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