Boeing 767 add-on

Pro Member Trainee
santiess Trainee

Hi there,

I am thinking of buying an add-on of the 767 but I don't know whitch is the best of thees three:

-CLS Boeing 767- 200/300 (with the later expantion pack)
-Captain Sim 767- 200/300 (with the other packs)
-Level-D 767- 300ER

I like wo fly from the VC and I want a good FMC.

thank u,


Answers 6 Answers

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Pro Member First Officer
Duncan (Razgr1z912) First Officer

Level-D, hands down.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain


Pro Member Trainee
santiess Trainee


so no Level-D but wich one

CLS now has released the expantionpack
Captain Sim looks good

So I like to work with the VC and I want a real good FMC

wich one?????


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Hands down means: 挺好的 or in other words very good, number one, thumbs up. 🙂

Pro Member Trainee
santiess Trainee

O Sorry

I didn't knew that

OK Thhanks

Pro Member Trainee
BuLk Trainee

The best is LevelD, do not buy Captain Sim, it makes problems for medium to high pc. I had a captain sim and it was moving very very slowly. I do what do you want 🙂

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