Taking a break from FSX for a bit..

Pro Member Trainee
Tom Kilpatrick (Tom12) Trainee

Hey there fellas,

JUst to let you all know, I'm not going to be on for a bit, I've finished my training, and I have to fly one of the 757's around for a bit (top secret stuff.)

Will be back in 2-3 weeks. And no, I'm not going A.W.O.L.

Bye guys. 😳


If I don't come back, TailHook, you can have my job 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Thanks but no thanks. According to my physician any kind of work is bad for my health 😛

Good luck with your 'top secret stuff'... 🤔 I too had a job like that once - it was so secret, I didn't even know myself what I was doing 😳

...I'm still suffering from that experience 😀

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