ATC Window flashes on & off:

Pro Member Trainee
Bobr2 Trainee

❓ I have reloaded Flightsim X several times and sill when the start up flights start there is the ATC Window again flashing on & off again. Did a repair on my windows XP thinking that will solve the problem. It didn't. Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT - ADM Athlon 64 X 2 Doual Core Processor 3800 - 2.5 - 2 gigs of memory. Intel P4 Family Direct X version 9.0 build 0904.
The program worked fine for 8 months and then all of a sudden this happened. If anyone can help would appreciate. Did install G plan though don't undersstand how that would make a difference. Please Help:

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Pro Member Trainee
Bobr2 Trainee

Figured it out how to fix this problem I found a program called Registery Firs Aid, there you can do a search and I found FSX.exe in there 9 times. You are not allowed to modify or delet them. No other registery program found them. So if this happens to you Reinstall windows to clear regestery and install new one. Then reinstall FSX and every thing will be fine. I down loaded something and that is when the problem started don't remember what I down loaded though.

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