Is there a fix for the VC in the F-14 iris Tomcat for acceleration? ❓
I believe you can get it here for the purchased version.
Try this one, if it's not available then as at the forum.
I just purchased the Pro F-14 Tomcat. I have tried to launch it in FSX Carrier Missions without success. The shift u and shift I functions don't work with it. I have other payware and free ware planes that work fine in missions FSX. Can anyone tell me why this PRO F-14 Tomcat won't work?
Thank You
i fell for the IRIS C-27J "air force" platinum series....which wont stop bouncing... several days later still haven't heard from their support, they don't seem to have a forum...only the price was right considering you have to rework the .cfg file yourself. glad i haven't sprung for their f15 and most likely wont be buying from them again. anyone else who has the c-27 bouncing issue let me know ill send you the fix. i should make IRIS refund me. 10$ is a bit much for a product that i consider a bad beta version far from a release candidate.
TSdesert wrote:
i fell for the IRIS C-27J "air force" platinum series....which wont stop bouncing... several days later still haven't heard from their support, they don't seem to have a forum...only the price was right considering you have to rework the .cfg file yourself. glad i haven't sprung for their f15 and most likely wont be buying from them again. anyone else who has the c-27 bouncing issue let me know ill send you the fix. i should make IRIS refund me. 10$ is a bit much for a product that i consider a bad beta version far from a release candidate.
Sorry that you are having problems, I just find them for our members.
I don't have the aircraft nor am I associated with them in any way.
Yes it seems they do have a Forum.
thanks radarman too bad customers, have to clean up iriss dirty business just an update ive asked for a refund because i havent heard from them in 5 days. also the f-15 doesent rez the center station 5 ltextures the manual is heavy with tech but unless your familiar with the systems previously...(i did buy it what a damned fool i was) but ill carry on on aussie x thanks again.
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