Does Anyone know if the Flight 1 Cessna Citation Mustang is any good?
Thank you RadarMan however I have already Checked that angle and I was asking someone someone with first hand experience.
It's a Gd aircraft, but 2 problems, You can't access the radio stack to adj freq for Ils landings, Also, the AP speed control will stick n' not allow decrease in speed it increases,
You are quite right plugnickel, I seem to vaguely remember that this was not a native FSX aircraft and despite the many bugs and complaints has never been fixed.
...and lo and behold, looking at the Cessna Citation Mustang (Flight1) - FSX page at I see that it's compatible with both, FSX and FS2004 - an indication that the original FS2004 product has been (unsuccessfully) updated to pleasure FSX aficionados.
I own it. I had some installation issues which caused the G1000 monitors to be blank. Luckily, it is a very well supported product and I looked around on the forum and found a fix. It will devastate your frame rate if your PC isn't good though. On my HP laptop, I got about 5 fps. It was such a great aircraft I flew it anyways, however, and it has been pretty much all I've flown since I got it. It looks incredible on my new PC however. Fanatic attention to detail and visuals. 5 stars regardless.
It's an outstanding aircraft, but a little hard on frame rates.
If you have a good PC, it's an amazing addon. 😀
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