Mike Stones Aircraft

Pro Member First Officer
W3CPR First Officer

I have been looking for the entire listing of Mike Stone's aircraft which was called PMStone.zip with no luck. I did however locate a site with the following address http://fsfiles.org/PA/index.php?act=view&id=13 When I went to this address I found the files and downloaded them and there were all the executable aircraft, about 100 of them. However, when these files were downloaded, all of them had a Trojan virus associated with them and my system rejected them when I went to open them. Does anyone have the zip file PMStone.zip with the aircraft that they could send to me at gti9512@enter.net. that is clean. I would be very grateful.

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Pro Member Trainee
jrocky Trainee

W3CPR wrote:

I have been looking for the entire listing of Mike Stone's aircraft which was called PMStone.zip with no luck. I did however locate a site with the following address http://fsfiles.org/PA/index.php?act=view&id=13 When I went to this address I found the files and downloaded them and there were all the executable aircraft, about 100 of them. However, when these files were downloaded, all of them had a Trojan virus associated with them and my system rejected them when I went to open them. Does anyone have the zip file PMStone.zip with the aircraft that they could send to me at gti9512@enter.net. that is clean. I would be very grateful.

I think your anti-virus program is giving a 'false positive' on the files having a Trojan. I downloaded all and tried a few and no Trojan was found on the ones I opened. I am using Microsoft Security Essentials anti-virus and feel it is protecting my system. If I were to send the zip file by email, you might have the same results.

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