What add ons do you recommend?

zenith3003 Guest

Hello everyone!

I've just got in to floght sims again after about 8 years off! Used to use FS 98 a lot and then used FS 2004 for a while. Never got in to them on a serious scale. Just used to get in a Cessna and just fly to random places.

Now though, I've recently got FS X and I'm into it on a bigger scale than I was. I take off from Liverpool UK a lot and noticed that it's alost nothing like the airport itself. I'm just wondering want kind of scenery add ons would you recommend? I'd like one of the of England is possible.

Thank you for your time and help.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I never tried these but they look like what you want.



Pro Member Trainee
CaseyJ Trainee

For years I have been disapointed with the scenery in FSX; the ones from FS2002 were far superior! As typical examples: in FSX when you fly into KCFE from the south there is a tree in your flight path! At KFCM if you watch a takeoff from the tower you will see many buildings that are not there in real life (and never have been), some on airport property and most of the GA Hangars are missing. At Wnsted (10D) the fences as shown are not there and the hangar detail that was in FS2002 is missing in FSX. Is there an add-on or can I actually bring in the FS2002 scenery?

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