FSX crashes if I select a military aircraft

Pro Member Trainee
MASU Trainee

I've download the Lockheed Martin F35-A..C and tried to install it, means I put the files in the privided folder. In the moment I choose the aircraft in the selection dialog, FSX tried to load it and after a short while it crash. I also bought the Phantom II with instal software and have the same result! What is wrong with my FSX or do I something wrong? Do I need the gold version? Where can I see what kind of version I have?

Can somebody help me? 😞

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I can't say why it crashes without knowing what OS you are running and the complete specs of your computer.
The difference in the versions is explained here.
I bought the Deluxe version then later when The Acceleration Pack came out I bought that...that is the same as the Gold now.



Pro Member Trainee
MASU Trainee

Oh yes, naturally, forgotten...
Windows 7 professional sp1 x64
Intel Core i7-3770K CPU 3.5GHz 3.90GHz
NVidia GeForce GTX 980

Of interssting is: only military aircaft crashed, only the "Northrop Grumman_B-2A" not?
Is there anywere a place were I can see the reason of the crash?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Beautiful setup, you should be able to run anything on that.
Great video card!

Try cleaning out the old video drivers and download and install the latest, that card needs the best.
Why only military, absolutely no reason that I can think of outside of coincidence.

I'd find one older one and try that.
I hope you have SP1 and SP2 installed either by you as they came out or by using Gold or the Acceleration Pack.
Try this one.



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