No Gear qnd Bad Prop Texture

Pro Member Trainee
BobFam Trainee

I installed the subject T-34 in FSX. The prop is black and there are no wheels on the gear. Is there any fix? Thanks, Bob.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Lower all the slides, especially autogen, clouds and shut off shadows and AI.
Your computer doesn't seem to be strong enough to handle the graphic intensive aircraft.
The video card is probably old or week (in memory).

Let us know how you do.


Pro Member Trainee
BobFam Trainee

Thanks but that is not the problem. I have a 3G Nvidia card with the latest Nvidia drivers which works fine on more intensive payware aircraft. The prop textures are not for FSX which is a common problem with FS2004 updated planes that have not been properly corrected for FSX. I was hoping someone would post the new FSX prop textures. It is black. I see no wheel textures. Bob.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

If you want you can try these.

Since it's a 2004 aircraft the landing gears problem is for the same reason.
Some FS9 don't port over too well.

You can try this one.


Pro Member Trainee
BobFam Trainee

Thanks. The second file you mentioned is exactly the same one as I downloaded. That is why I was asking for help. Bob.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Why not drop an email to the designer about the landing gear and see if he is willing to help.
I've found after all these years that they are a pretty nice bunch.


Pro Member Trainee
BobFam Trainee

Thanks. OK. I will try it. Bob.

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