FSX vs Windows 10

Pro Member Trainee
Adolph_Galland Trainee

I recently downloaded Windows 10. After doing that, I subsequently downloaded FSX. My main problem: there is no icon on my desktop to initiate the game. I made sure when downloading that the icon box was checked. I can't seem to find FSX on Windows 10. Can anyone help me? Thanx!

Adolph Galland

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Go to your "C" drive, open, programs (X86) contains FSX.


Pro Member Trainee
Adolph_Galland Trainee

I did as you told. No FSX icon; a folder named microsoft games was there, which was unfortunately empty. Thanx anyway.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Odd...try Programs the folder just before that one.
It should have been in that one.
If you can't find it then try installing it again as if you didn't the first time and see what happens.


Pro Member Trainee
Adolph_Galland Trainee

I reinstalled FSX a second time and still no FSX icon on the desktop. However ... I figured out a solution. After downloading FSX, I noticed that the FSX icon was on the lower task bar. All I did was click the right side of the mouse and pinned the icon permently to the task bar. It now starts when I want to.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

😂 Strange place for them to place it without asking but it solves your problem.
Happy flying!


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