Can THOMAS RUTH & be combined?

Pro Member Trainee
Daraious Billimoria (Daraious) Trainee

I have a dilemma here.  I have the Thomas Ruth A300-600F (i.e. already installed, but one of the repaints I want to install requires the Thomas Ruth A300-600R installed.

The problem is that in the installation instructions for both it says to copy the tom306 directory to the GAUGES folder.  However, I did a binary compare of the files in that directory and though the have the same name and time-stamp the content is different.

Is there any way that I can have both installed?



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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I would download and install both, just follow the read-me instalation instructions.
As far as the designer is concerned they are two different aircraft or he would have just made a repaint for the first one.
My guess.


Pro Member Trainee
Daraious Billimoria (Daraious) Trainee

Thanks RadarMan.  But that is the problem.  I have both the zips.  Both instructions say to copy the whole tom306 directory to the gauges folder.  BUT even though the filenames are the same the internal content of the files is different.  You cannot have 2 files with the exact same name and time stamp in one directory.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

You won't.
As you load them into the main folder it will ask if it should overwrite...yes.


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