Gauge Background Not Showing

Pro Member Trainee
Joe Pullen (cwo1980) Trainee

The Hiller OH-23 panel VSI gauge does not show the gauge background. It only show the needle. I have switched the gauge and needle with another gauge from another aircraft, and I still get the same results. Only shows needle with no gauge background. The needle works fine. What am I missing? Thanks

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To answer your question from my own experience, I would say you have overlapping occurring.
You will have either a non-visible gauge or other window sitting on top of the VSI gauge area.
It took me hours to figure out what was covering mine & then a few more hours to figure out the gauge panel .cfg file layout to figure out what to adjust.
Best I can give you is, try selecting a blank area or non-selective area around the VSI gauge & see if you get a small window selection.  You can test this theory with a GPS.  Activate the GPS, then select & drag the GPS to another part of the screen.  You will see box around the GPS when you select it.  This box is what you are looking for.  Or at least this is what my issue was.
Hope that helped.

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