Slow startup Time

Pramod Mathur Guest

Is anything being done to speed up the sim startup time?  Is there any way to decrease the sim loading time?

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hello there!

I understand that long loading times can be a bit frustrating, especially when you're eager to start your flight session. Don't worry, I'll provide some insights and suggestions to help you with that.

Firstly, Microsoft and Asobo Studio are continually working on optimizing Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) with each update they release. They've been addressing performance and loading time issues since the initial launch, so make sure you have the latest updates installed. Keep an eye on for announcements on upcoming updates.

As for practical steps you can take on your end to decrease the sim loading time, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Hardware: Upgrading your hardware can have a significant impact on loading times. Consider investing in a faster SSD (Solid-State Drive) or a more powerful CPU (Central Processing Unit) and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) if your system is not up to the recommended specifications.
  2. Third-Party Add-ons: Limit the number of third-party add-ons and scenery installed. Some custom sceneries and add-ons can increase loading times. Temporarily disabling them can help determine if they are contributing to the slow startup.
  3. Optimization: Run a disk cleanup and defragmentation on your hard drive to optimize its performance. Keep your drivers and operating system up-to-date as well.
  4. Internet Connection: Ensure a stable and fast internet connection as Microsoft Flight Simulator relies heavily on streaming data. If possible, use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi to improve connection stability.
  5. Sim Settings: Reduce the level of detail for various graphics settings. Lowering the graphics, terrain, and object settings can help decrease loading times.

I hope these suggestions help you achieve a faster startup time for your flight simulator. Remember, the development team is always working on improving the sim, so we can expect even better performance in the future. Happy flying!

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