Printing FSX Navlogs

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BigglesBolton Trainee

How to print FSX Flight Plans now Internet Explorer has gone?

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

This is certainly a concern that has been circulating in the community ever since the deprecation of Internet Explorer (IE). However, fret not, because there are multiple approaches to still get your Flight Simulator X (FSX) Navlogs printed without the need for IE.

The first option would be to utilize the in-built 'print screen' function, sometimes shortened to PrtSc. This functionality allows you to take a snapshot of the entire screen (your Navlog included) and paste it into a program like MS Paint for easy printing.

The relevant steps are as follows:

  • Press the PrtSc key (usually located at the top-right of your keyboard).
  • Open MS Paint (you can find it by typing 'Paint' in your computer's search bar).
  • Once in Paint, press Ctrl+V to paste the screenshot. You'll see your entire screen, including the Navlog.
  • Crop the image to include only the Navlog, then select Print from the menu.

While this method is straightforward, it may not yield the best results, especially if you need a high-resolution printout.

An alternative method would be to use the Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch, built-in utilities in recent versions of Windows. These tools allow you to select a specific part of your screen (the Navlog in our case) and save the screenshot as an image file.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Open your FSX Navlog on your screen.
  • Search for Snip & Sketch or Snipping Tool in your computer's search bar and open it.
  • Click on 'New' and select the portion of your screen with the Navlog.
  • Save the resulting image and print it using any image viewing software.

It's worth noting that while the above methods are quick fixes, they aren't the most ideal solutions for maintaining the high quality of the Navlog. For a more permanent solution, you might want to consider migrating your flight plans to platforms like Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or X-Plane 12. These newer platforms have improved features and broader support for such needs.

I hope these tips help. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions! Happy flying!

IDK Guest

I lieu of the Print button (which has never worked for me) here's a basic solution (which does work for me).
Qualifier: I'm using FSX:SE with Windows 7 Lenovo X1 Carbon Bios 2016. So anything I suggest should work on your machine. Make sure your printer is ON.

  1. Create or load a flight plan
  2. Click NavLog button
  3. Click anywhere on the NavLog page
  4. Press Ctrl + P
  5. The Printer's Preference screen appears (on my computer), Click PRINT
  6. The full NavLog page prints. Again on my system.

I hope this helps.

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