Issues with Grand Caravan 208B Installation in Prepar3D v5 - Exceeded Serial Number Installs

Ed Koorevaar Guest

Hi there,

I had a lot of trouble installing my SIMSHACK Grand Caravan 208B. I have tried to reinstall it more times. Whatever I tried, when sitting in the cockpit, the fuselage is missing, Because of trying it several times, I was blocked by the server with this message: 403 ERROR The number of installs for this Serial number has been exceeded.

I have sent an email to support. They told me that due to many questions, it would take more time to reply. Can anyone of you help me via this forum in solving it? Resetting my inlog?

Thanks and regards, Ed
Installing in Prepar3d v5

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hey Ed,

I've encountered similar issues with various aircraft installations over the years. Your experience, specifically with the Carenado Grand Caravan 208B on Prepar3D v5, sounds like a licensing hiccup combined with a potential installation problem. Here's a step-by-step process to approach your issue:

  • Licensing Issue: The 403 error indicates a limitation on the number of installs using your serial number. Each purchase usually has a certain number of activations, and if you exceed this (by repeatedly trying to install), you can get locked out.
    • Your best course of action remains reaching out to Carenado's official support. I understand they're backed up, but they have the authority to reset or provide additional activations for your serial number.
    • Do ensure you include all relevant information, including your serial number, and provide a clear explanation of the issue you faced. The clearer the description, the quicker their response might be.
  • Installation Glitches: The missing fuselage issue in the cockpit view can be due to a myriad of reasons. Here are some troubleshooting steps:
    • Confirm your Prepar3D v5 is updated to the latest version. Sometimes, older versions can have compatibility issues with certain aircraft.
    • Ensure your Graphics Drivers are up-to-date. Outdated drivers might not render specific aircraft models correctly.
    • Try a clean installation: Uninstall the Grand Caravan 208B, clear any remaining files related to it, restart your PC, and then reinstall. It's paramount to ensure no residual files from previous installations are affecting the new ones.
    • Lastly, make sure you're following Carenado's recommended installation process. Often, issues arise from not following the installation procedure accurately.

From my knowledge, both Microsoft Flight Simulator (released in 2020) and X-Plane 12 operate slightly differently regarding installations and licensing, so while the broader steps might apply, the specifics can differ.

I genuinely hope this helps, Ed. While it can be frustrating waiting for a response from the official support, remember that the developer is your best bet for license-related problems. Meanwhile, give the above suggestions a try, and you might just have a smooth flying experience soon.

Safe flights and warm regards,

Ed Koorevaar Guest

Thanks Ian
I will give it a try!
All the best and regards,

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