Steps for Installing FSUIPC7 for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020


Can someone help me install this software?

Thanks, Jerry

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
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Hello Jerry,

Firstly, welcome to the community! FSUIPC7 (Flight Simulator Universal Inter-Process Communication - version 7) is a vital bridge connecting many third-party software and add-ons to the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 platform. Let's dive right into the installation steps.

Step-by-Step Installation of FSUIPC7:

  1. Download Source: Always ensure you're downloading FSUIPC7 from an official or recognized source. From my knowledge, the official FSUIPC website is a good place to start.
  2. Extract Files: Once downloaded, you'll receive a .zip file. Use any archive software (like WinRAR or 7-Zip) to extract the contents to a location on your PC.
  3. Execute the Installer: In the extracted folder, locate the 'Install FSUIPC7.exe' or a similarly named executable file. Double-click to initiate the installation process.
  4. Follow On-Screen Instructions: The installer is pretty straightforward. Accept the terms, choose the installation directory (default is recommended), and let it complete.
  5. Run as Administrator: Once installed, for the first time, right-click the FSUIPC7 icon and select "Run as administrator." This ensures all permissions are correctly set.
  6. Connect with MSFS: Start Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 first, and once in the main menu, you can then run FSUIPC7. It should automatically connect to the sim.

Note: For FSUIPC7, there's no need to put it into the community folder of MSFS. It runs externally, but interacts with the sim seamlessly.

Common Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Ensure both FSUIPC7 and MSFS 2020 are allowed through your firewall.
  • Always run FSUIPC7 after starting MSFS for a smooth connection.
  • If issues persist, try reinstalling FSUIPC7 or checking the official forums for specific error codes.

Lastly, remember that many add-ons or third-party software will require specific versions of FSUIPC7 to function correctly. So, always be mindful of updates and keep your software current.

I hope this comprehensive guide helps you get set up. Should you have any further queries or face specific issues, please provide more details, and I'll be glad to assist.

Fly safe and enjoy the skies!

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