Troubleshooting Scenery Download Failures in Microsoft Flight Simulator

Pro Member Trainee
Rogeld Trainee

Every time I try to do a download for scenery it fails. Already cost me 60 bucks and all failed. Yes, I am a member.

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

I'm genuinely sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing with your scenery downloads in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Given the breadth of possibilities that might be causing these issues, I'll provide a preliminary set of troubleshooting steps. If you could also provide a bit more detail regarding your specific problem (i.e., is it the file download or the scenery installation?), I can tailor my response even further.

Initial Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Connection Stability: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. Sometimes, even minor interruptions can disrupt the download process.
  • Firewall & Antivirus: These can sometimes interfere. Try disabling them temporarily (be sure to turn them back on afterward) and see if the download completes.
  • Storage Space: Check if there's adequate storage on your device. Running out of space might halt the download.
  • Account Verification: Since you mentioned being a member, verify that your account is logged in and correctly synced with the simulator.

Questions for You:

  1. Are you facing problems while downloading the file itself, or is the challenge during the installation phase in MSFS?
  2. Have you received any specific error messages?
  3. Are there certain scenery packs that are causing more issues than others?

To provide a more in-depth solution, it might be beneficial to know the exact step where things are going wrong. It's also worth noting that some scenery packs might be more demanding or require additional dependencies. This is especially true for those that harness the advanced features of platforms like Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and X-Plane 12.

Additionally, here are a few general resources that might be of help:

Lastly, don't hesitate to reach out for more assistance, and always ensure that your downloads are from reputable sources. With the information you provide, we can guide you more effectively.

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