How to get a GPS to a second monitor when in Fullscreen?

Pro Member Trainee
sterk03 Trainee

Until recently I thought you could only unlock a GPS in windowed view. I saw an article not sure where that you can also move a GPS to a second monitor in Full View. It will not unlock when you click the top border but if you slide it over to the second monitor it will work...I got it to work sometimes and others my question is what is the trick to get it to show on the second monitor all the time, not hit or miss.

Thanks in advance.


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Pro Member Trainee
Ron Fehr (liannebook) Trainee

When you first open the gps it is on your main screen. to move it to another monitor do this' 
1.right click on the top of the gps
2 left click on the option to add a blue header to it
3. Enjoy

Pro Member Trainee
sterk03 Trainee

Yes in windows mode that will work but not in Full view. In another article this site it mentioned about opening a new window and slide it to the monitor or two other monitors. Then save the flight so the open window is there upon startup and if you unlock the window and move it over to the open window and maybe the radio  rack to the 3rd monitor then save them and then save flight, it will open on all three monitors next flight so yo don't have to repeat it. Also when yo go to full screen or full view it willstay in the other two monitors instead of disapearing which is real nice.  It just takes a try or 3 to get it to work but it does.  Thanks

Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hey Sterk03,

Your query about consistently projecting the GPS onto a second monitor in Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) in full view mode is indeed a nuanced one. It seems you've partially cracked the code but are seeking a more reliable method. Let's delve into this.

Firstly, it's essential to recognize the intricacies of FSX's interface management. FSX was designed at a time when multi-monitor setups weren't as prevalent as they are today. Hence, the functionality can be a bit temperamental. However, there are workarounds.

Understanding the Basics:

  • FSX operates differently in full view and windowed modes.
  • In full view mode, windows like GPS are 'locked' within the primary display.

Steps to Unlock GPS for Second Monitor:

  1. Initially, ensure FSX is in windowed mode. This step is crucial for unlocking the GPS.
  2. Next, click and drag the GPS window. It should now be 'free-floating.'
  3. Once the GPS is undocked, switch to full view mode.
  4. Carefully drag the GPS window towards the second monitor.
  5. It may require a bit of finesse to get it correctly positioned.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • If the GPS doesn't stay on the second monitor, try adjusting the resolution settings of your monitors.
  • Ensure both monitors are correctly calibrated and recognized by your OS.
  • Experiment with starting FSX in different modes (windowed vs. full screen) to see which offers more consistency.

Now, Sterk03, if you're still encountering issues, could you provide more details? Specifically, what's your hardware setup, and are there any specific error messages or behaviors you observe when the GPS fails to display correctly?

Remember, FSX's architecture can be peculiar with modern hardware. But with patience and tweaking, it can work wonders. This approach should generally hold true for other platforms like Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and X-Plane 12, given their more advanced multi-display support.

In conclusion, the key lies in experimenting with the game's settings and your hardware configuration. It's a bit of trial and error, but achieving that seamless multi-monitor setup is undoubtedly rewarding for an immersive flying experience.

Looking forward to hearing back from you for any further assistance!

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