Troubleshooting Checkered Textures in MSFS 2020 Cockpit Displays

Hedley Quinton Guest

I spent nearly 2 days loading MFS 2020 from DVD plus all the updates. Some aircraft panels are displayed as a check pattern. In the cockpit view on the Cessna 152, some of the instruments and all the window views are also displayed as a check pattern. I don't really want to install it again from scratch - is there some way of debugging this? I have a high-spec PC running Windows 11, and the graphics are set to the lowest option.

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Issue: Encountering a checkerboard pattern on aircraft panels and cockpit instruments in MSFS 2020 is typically indicative of missing or improperly loaded textures. This can be frustrating, especially after a lengthy installation process.

Resolution Steps: Fortunately, there are several steps we can take to address this without the need to reinstall the entire simulator. Here's a structured approach to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the texture issues:

  • Verify Integrity of Game Files: First, ensure that all game files are correctly installed and none are corrupted. For MSFS 2020, you can do this via the Xbox app on Windows 11. Navigate to the game's settings, select 'Manage Game', and then 'Verify and Repair'. This process will check for any missing or corrupted files and replace them accordingly.
  • Update Graphics Drivers: Outdated or corrupted graphics drivers can cause rendering issues. Ensure your graphics drivers are up to date. Visit the website of your graphics card manufacturer (such as NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel) to download and install the latest drivers.
  • Adjust Graphics Settings: Although you mentioned your settings are at their lowest, it might be helpful to toggle some specific options. Occasionally, settings like 'Texture Resolution' and 'Anisotropic Filtering' can contribute to how textures are rendered. Try adjusting these settings upwards incrementally to see if there's an improvement.
  • Check for Updates: Ensure that your MSFS 2020 is up to date. Microsoft frequently releases updates that fix bugs and improve performance. Check for any pending updates in the Xbox app or within the game itself under the 'Updates' section.
  • Reinstall Specific Packages: If the issue persists, consider reinstalling specific packages that might be corrupted. You can do this within the 'Content Manager' in MSFS 2020. Locate any packages related to the Cessna 152 and reinstall them.
  • System File Check: Sometimes, Windows system files can become corrupted and affect applications. Run a system file check by opening Command Prompt as an administrator and typing: sfc /scannow. This will scan your system for corrupted files and attempt to repair them.

Additional Considerations: If none of the above steps work, you might want to consider temporarily increasing your graphics settings to medium or high just to test if the issue is related to how textures are being processed at lower settings.

Seeking Further Assistance: If you've gone through all these steps and still see checkered textures, it might be beneficial to post detailed specs of your PC here, or screenshots of the issue, so the community can provide more targeted advice.

Remember: Keeping your system and game up-to-date and ensuring your hardware drivers are current is crucial for maintaining an optimal simulation experience.

Best of luck, and clear skies!

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