Understood VOR!

Pro Member Trainee
boomshiko Trainee

I just got the hang of VOR navigation!!!!!!!!!


Just wanted to share the moment! 😀

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Pro Member First Officer
Elkinallen First Officer

Right on Bro!!!! Vor nav is GREAT!!!!


Good for you!

I assume your doing lessons since your learning VORS. hehe just wait tilll you get to the instrument checkride. You'll want smash everything.

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

I agree that VOR is great although GPS is even greater 😀
But I find it a little hard to pick out all the VOR frequencies
alone a 3000 mile crosscountry flight. How many miles a VOR
transmission covers? For thousands of miles you probably need dozens
of VOR waypoints 😞 or maybe more, and some parts of the country
are out of the VOR coverage. what is your opinion on this?

Don Wood Guest

VOR's serve varying functions in the low altitude and high altitude airways. Some are usable only within 50 miles or so of the station. Others are good out to 150-200 miles. Some also have restrictions that make them unusable in certain directions at certain altitudes within a range of radials (i.e., unusable below 5,000 feet on radials 270-320), usually because of high rising terrain that blocks the signal.

You are correct that it takes many VOR's to navigate across a long distance. That's not a big problem if you have the appropriate charts because they are all listed along with there frequencies. It is more of a problem in Sim since it is unlikely most Sim pilots will have the necessary charts at hand. There are also a few Sim VOR's that have a different frequency than their real world counterparts.

In Sim, you can find VOR's along your desired course by going to the map button and moving the map along your desired course until your locate a VOR (or NDB) to navigate on.

Pro Member First Officer
PH First Officer

If I remember correctly the VOR range is very much dependent on the height/alt of the AC and the height of the VOR. I think the maths was something along the lines of square root of the height in feet of the AC + square root of the height in feet of the station. As Don suggests there are cases where there is a "useful" limitation put on them.


Hey Don Wood this is a question for you. Ive seen you leave a lot of comments that are pretty interesting to read since it seems you know a lot about aviation. You an airline pilot or hold any type of licenses right now?

Don Wood Guest

I am not and have never been an airline pilot. I hold a commercial pilot's license with multi-engine and instrument ratings. I fly now only for pleasure and for personal transportation but for many years, I flew the entire US managing a national company and for about two years, was a contract pilot for a large law enforcement agency.

I'm pleased you have found my comments useful.


Hahahaha yea, well it is true. You respond to a lot of posts and its pretty obvious that you really know what your talking about. Along with the other people that help answer questions, im not gonna start naming because im afaird i might miss someone

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