Easiest plane to fly in fs9 Gotta be the Cub
Use the twist on your joystick to steer them.
Here are a few more for you.
tomthetank wrote:
Easiest plane to fly in fs9
Gotta be the Cub
I don't know about that. Whenever I try to take-off I always flip over. I would say the 172 with aouto rudder on.
why is there cars in a flight simulator? and what are they for?
The Cessna 172 is probably the easiest to fly. The cub flys easy but is more difficult to take off and land being a tail dragger.
atreyu wrote:
why is there cars in a flight simulator? and what are they for?
Unless it's a car like this I have no idea. 😂
I say the F117 or the Mig 21!!!! HA 😳
happy flying!
well, i think cessena & helicopter is the easiest to fly man just cant wait to get fs 2006.
Prolly goes like this
Prop: C172
Helicopter: Dont, these will make you suicidal
Turbo: Beech Kingair
Jet: B737-200
Fem is right on all his. I noticed that somebody said the helicopter and 172. Helicopters are probally harder to fly than jets. I doubt if that is true in real life though. My flight instructor said that helicopters are very difficult to fly. It is hard to maintain a specicfic altitude in too.
Your instructor is right. As far as being harder than jets, all i can say is they're a category all their own. I guess they really couldn't be compared, Jets have more complicated cockpits, bit helis are just a biatch to control, period. 😛
Yeah I agree with him too. I can't imagine flying a jet though. Everything happens just too fast. It is nothing like a 150.
well the i found the dolphin helicopter ok to fly , but 1 tiny mistake and all hell breaks loose... i managed to fly some planes better, i even got to drive the yacht on land which is slow as a snail but the jetfoil is nice and i havent found a car that just drives normal, any vehicles out there that come close to driving like they should ...steering is dam near impossible
That's an interresting question because it sort of depends on what you want to do. Go thru the flying lessons(even though Rod Muchado is NOT the comedian he thinks he is) Some of them are boring but the trick is practice - practice, and then practice. How many hours does an Air Force or Navy pilot get before he's considered fully capable? It took me a year of struggling before I could come anywhere near lining up with the runway on landing. It's the learning that's the challenge and the fun.
The trick to take-offs in the Cub is to apply throttle gently and let it sort of fly itself off.
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