Learjet HSI Indicator - FS2004

GeorgiaBoy Guest

Just signed up as a new member and this is my first post. I'm retired now but was a US FAA Navigational Aids Engineer in my younger years and helped commission a number of VORTACS and ILS systems in the southeastern US.

I recently purchased a copy of FS2004 and have run into a problem with the LearJet HSI presentation ... as explained below:

Can anyone tell me how to use the blue colored needle (with a circle on one end) in the Learjet HSI course display? Flying this needle takes me 4-5 miles to one side or another of the ground station in some cases. while in other instances it might fly directly over the station.

I'm clearly missing something here and can not find any information about this display in the FS2004 literature. Any help will be appreciated.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

It says you are still a guest. Did you sign in?

GeorgiaBoy Guest

I think I've figured out the HSI problem. It looks like the green needle is for the nav1 receiver and the blue needle is for nav2. This seems to work.

Regarding the question about the guest signon, I paid my membership fee but have yet to receive the confirmation message about loging on to the forums. I assume this is why is shows up as a guest logon.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

How long has it been? I know they having been having problems with new members signing in.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

GeorgiaBoy wrote:

Regarding the question about the guest signon, I paid my membership fee but have yet to receive the confirmation message about loging on to the forums. I assume this is why is shows up as a guest logon.

Check your deleted or junk folder for your confomation.
Most of our e-mails go there automatically.


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