concord help !

Pro Member First Officer
Vin4evr First Officer

Hello Everyone,
I am learning to fly Concord now. TO fly I am ignorant of many features of this aircraft. for example: Take off speads, flap limits etc etc..PLease post any relevant information or links. Thanks

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RadarMan Chief Captain

You can download a manual at the botton of the page.


Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

The NUMBERS side of it is not so difficult - for a start there aren't any flaps so any add-on that features flaps on Concorde should be ditched !

VR (take-off speed) is in the region on 170kts dependent on the gross weight, which is dependent on Fuel, load etc.

Approach speed is 190kts and touchdown speed is 170kts.

There is a lot more to it, so obviously people can help as and when you have any more specific questions.

It also depends what add-on you're learning to fly - the fsfrance model is a hell of a looker but doesn't have many real concorde features... The "Altitude Concorde add-on" is better but a lot of people find it frustrating. Finally the new PSS Concorde Pro is extremely complex and realistic but comes with excellent documentation that makes the learning a lot easier.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

I fly the FSFrance Concorde, and I love it! Make sure you have a panel for it, i'd suggest the FSfrance new panel they have out...I HOPE they have it out now, i thought they did. Anyway, On takeoff, know that you'll need to rotate to nearly 20 degrees in order to get 'er off the ground. Here's a small list of things to remember

1. Make sure to use afterburners on takeoff, cut them after you get off the ground, untill after 3500, (Noise abatement I believe).

2. Do NOT try and cruise at anything near 30,000 feet, you need to be at LEAST over FL450 with it, I cruise at FL520. This way you will actually reach mach 2 in it without a big hassle and fuel burn stays low.

3. Lowering the nose cone does have a small effect on your speed, but generates little to no lift.

Pro Member First Officer
Vin4evr First Officer

i fly fsfrance
here is my question .
i i lover my nose ono take off but as soon i get to 3000ft i straighten it up . is that right ?
and right before landing i put the nose down.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

You want to raise the nose in increments as you climb, but have it fully up before you hit 250KIAS

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