vfr photographic scenery

Pro Member Trainee
john (merlinflyer_1) Trainee

hello all
i have just added vfr photographic scenery east & south east england and i am not impressed.
the houses of westminster the big wheel opposite and all the buildings have gone is this a settings issue or is this it?
regards john

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

You have to move your scenery slide to the far right, you'll take a FPS hit but it should look great.

Try moving the autogen one also later it'll add to the scenery.


Pro Member Trainee
john (merlinflyer_1) Trainee

i find that if i fly fast the scenery is blurred,only if i fly slow will it focus on fine detail .
also how can i get the buildings back like canary wharf tower bridge etc

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

The blur could be the speed or most likely your video card.
What do you mean, did the buildings disappear after you added the scenery.
I'm not familiar with the UK.


Pro Member Trainee
john (merlinflyer_1) Trainee

if i fly a fantom or anything over 300 knots the scenery does not go to fine detail and as for the buildings they just dissapeared ,like the houses of parliment and londons tallest building canary wharf they have all vanished
including battersea power station.
saying that i have noticed the highways /motorways are excellent
maybe i just need to start adding more software maybe this is just a foundation to build on ?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

That's very possible, if you have your scenery slider maxed out and you can't see familiar buildings then the same site that you bought this from may have other add-ons for the same sector.
See if there is a Forum at the site where you can bring up this "problem".


Pro Member First Officer
horrgakx First Officer

Don't forget you have to fly really slowly. On anything but the fastest PC's you have to be below 100kts for the scenery to load. Also above 3,000 feet is a must otherwise the scenery is too blocky.

Pro Member Trainee
john (merlinflyer_1) Trainee

yes i thought so .
i have just found this http://www.visualflight.net/london/
so if i buy this all my problems will be solved hopefully 😂

Pro Member First Officer
horrgakx First Officer

Just been looking at that link, see this box (lower right) with the red & white squares? I've always wondered... what's that for?

Pro Member Trainee
john (merlinflyer_1) Trainee

the only thing i can think of is nav aids or a beam for ILS
it could be a cover to house such items and coloured so aircraft can see them
perhaps 🙄

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