Does a DC-9 normally level out of bank by itself?

Pro Member Trainee
Roy McHeyligers (flightofficer) Trainee

Kindly would somebody know whether (or not) it is normal for a DC-9 to return to level flight by itself when left to it in a bank?

The (great!) SGA model, both series 10 & 30, which I've got for FS2004 does not appear to maintain bank attitude very well when hand-flying the plane. My solution is to flight-tune it a bit by altering both Aileron Effectivity and Roll Stability values in the aircraft.cfg but I am not at all sure this leads to realistic aircraft behavior, although it feels a bit better now.

What is flying turns in a real DC-9 like?

Suggestions and tips very welcome indeed. Thanks.

Roy McHeyligers and Sydney Starkey (that's right, Sid Star),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

Hi Sid Star (fab name),

I assume you are talking about the yoke being returned back to it's neutral (centred position) once you reach the bank angle ?

If you mean this, then yes, the DC9 will slowly level out - most airliners will behave in this way..... Planes that naturally remain in a banked position are known as having "Neutral Stability" and are mainly aerobatic planes such as the Extra 300 within Flight sim.

They are designed to achieve this by having a very evenly balanced weight distribution through the wings and across the fuselage.

Very few airliners would remain in a banked angle once you returned the Yoke to it's centred position - Modern Airbus planes would but this is done entirely by artificially by computers (fly-by-wire) which are in effect making the necessary Aileron adjustments to maintain the bank angle, even though the pilot is not required to adjust his sidestick to maintain the angle.


Pro Member Trainee
Roy McHeyligers (flightofficer) Trainee

Hey GPS Kid,

I'd heard about "Neutral Stability"in some aircraft, so now I know what that is. Thanks. I do feel the SGA DC9 levels out rather quickly and a little uncomfortably so. I have adjusted the .cfg file a bit and although it will still level back (as I now know it normally will) the handling has improved quite a bit, hopefully within real limits. I call this mod my "Tamed Dog" Flight Tuning by the way.

Thanks for your kind reply,

Sid Star.

Last edited by Roy McHeyligers (flightofficer) on Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total
Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

You're very welcome. I like the "Tamed Dog" name!

Pro Member First Officer
leadfoot First Officer

Most airplanes will level out if banked no more than 30 degrees. After that you must use opposite aileron to level out. Planes with high dihedral will level out quicker than planes with low dihedral. P.S. My spelling may be off on this one. Embarassed

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Read 👍

Pro Member Trainee
Sydney Starkey (SID_STAR) Trainee

Thanks everydobby...

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