how do i know i am intersecting the ILS radar beam?

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

i followed the ATC for heading and altitude in order to line up with the localizer beam, but i dont know when i would be exactly in the middle of the beam. how far is the beam stretched to? when should I switch GPS to NAV? and when can I switch hdg to APR?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Firstly, you need to have the ILS frequency keyed into NAV1. This can be found by double clicking on a runway with a green feather pointing from it. This will cause a morse code identifier and the glideslope to appear on the HSI. That is the pink triangles that go up or down. You have to keep them centered to be on the glideslope correctly, so turn to where they are. For example, if the pink arrow is below the middle line, then pitch down etc and if the triangle at the bottom is to the left then move left.

The beam reaches about 10-15nm I believe but you will no this when you hear the morse code identifier.

Switch GPS/NAV to NAV when you are established on the glideslope and ATC has given you clearence to land, so you can engage the APP button. This is the safest method as it means you are established and you are already centered. Being already centered and at the right altitude is important because autopilot can over-compensate, so if you are in the general vacinity of the correct approach it will be a smoother ride. Putting it simply, just let the AP handle the beam as it gets more sensitive and thus harder to keep the aircraft on the glideslope.

Hope that helps

BashDaBish Guest

I tend to switch from GPS to NAV when I have been instructed by ATC to deviate from the flight plan.

I then switch on APPR when I have been given the final approach clearance from ATC. APPR will turn off heading and altitude AP when the localizer is established. All you will have to worry about is making sure you have the correct approach speed (too fast and the glidescope will not be met), correct flaps and the correct ILS in your radio stack.

Hope this helps

BashDaBish Guest

Ooops! Didn't realise you had already replied.

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

thanks guys.....i will try tomorrow and update here.....
I didnt even hear the morse code beeping, and I did tuned to
the correct ILS frequency of that particular runway, anyway, i will
let you know tomorrow


nottobe wrote:

thanks guys.....i will try tomorrow and update here.....
I didnt even hear the morse code beeping, and I did tuned to
the correct ILS frequency of that particular runway, anyway, i will
let you know tomorrow

Quick question - did you tune the ILS into Nav2 then switch it to Nav1 and hit the 'Enable' or 'ID' button?

If not then this is why you never heard the beeps. If so idea.

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

Oh, shame on me!!! Sad I forgot to press the NAV1 button with a green lite in it on the top of the stack. But here is another problem: with the nav1 button on and correct frequency of the runway, I begin to hear the morse code beaping too far away, much earlier than the ATC asks me to turn into the direction to intersect the beam. So I have to look into the GPS map for the alignment with the bean and then switch NAV/GPS to NAV, turn on APR on the AP, and when I see GS arrows start to move down below center, I trun off ALT, so I assume the AP will follow both the localizer and GS down to the rumway. But here comes the tragedy: right after I turn off the ALT button the airplane begins to climb, when it climbs over the runway, the altitude is over 3000, then it drop down like a stone. Any idea what I have missed to make this happen? and how do I know when I should turn on APR without looking at the GPS map, since I hear the beaping all the way from outside class B space?

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