Real Weather


Has anyone experienced this over the last several weeks...

The simulator indicates that the real world weather has been loaded, but the weather doesn't even come close to matching the real weather in that location? Plus, if you fly several days later and download the weather, it is exactly the same as it was several days prior? Its like it is downloaded generic weather conditions.

It started two weeks ago while flying, it said an error occured while downloading the weather. Since then I haven't been able to get the actual current weather conditions.

Any ideas?

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Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

I experienced it. I wanted to compare it to the cyclone outside my house in Mauritius a few weeks ago. The weather on the flightsim was very unrealistic because I could easily land, Takeoff etc...... but during the real thing it was an entirely different story.

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

i am sure there is a lot room for improvement by the MS FS development team. When I fly IFR in 0 visibility conditions, the ATC keeps asking me to spot traffic in 2 miles, and more stupid is, other aircraft can spot me by visual while I can't even see my wing tips.....


Were you able to fix this? This has been going on for two weeks now with the same exact unrealistic weather.


Were you able to fix the problem? This has been going on for the last two weeks.

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😀 Ive had static weather for a couple of days,but today it was ok.May be a problem with the server that holds the data

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

Unfortunatley not. There are a few Payware and Freeware programs that may fix this though.Below is a hompage to a wather client. I haven't tried it but I'm sure it will should make a bit of a difference.


Tomthetank: Did the problem just go away after several days? I haven't tried it yet today.

I've also heard that towards the begining of April Microsoft changed their weather IP sever address and was wondering if this could be causing the problems. Or if Microsoft even did in fact change the address?

Its frustrating planning an approach only to realize the wind is blowing at 20 knots in the opposite direction than you were expecting.

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

It seems fine today(I had been stuck with thunder storms for nearly a week)
Im not sure just how accurate the weather is in relation to time,ie any delay

I have started to check the weather before flying ➡

I did not know MS were changing servers,if they have,then that could explain it

Last edited by tomthetank on Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total
Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

I thought the weather data was downloaded from Jeppesen database......


I think MS downloads it from Jeppesen into their own server. I am certain how it really works. Just that when I push the botton, I get real world weather. Most of the time anyway.

I have had the same problem over the last several days...wind 097 at 7, 39 degrees and 30.02 on the altimeter.

Pro Member Trainee
kevin2003 Trainee

Got fed up with poor visibilty below 2000ft and especially on approach.Threw my hat at RWW and bought ActiveSky. Brill Group Wave


Pro Member Trainee
Geoff (Geoffos) Trainee

I've only been flying with FS9 for a few weeks and decided to give the real world weather a try after watching the weather forecast on TV a week or so ago.

The forecast said that in the SE of England (where I live) the weather was a bit cloudy, but that rain was coming in from the west and was currently over Southern Ireland. I setup a Lear Jet flight from Manston in Kent to Shannon on the West Coast of Ireland and selected Real Weather.

I also got an error message, however, the weather seemed to be exactly as described on the TV forecast - cloudy over England and when I arrived in Ireland it was very overcast and finally when approaching Shannon, it was raining. I was quite impressed! 🙂

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