My marina water is the wrong color

Pro Member First Officer
freedspeak First Officer

Installed the California Central coast scenery. In my Santa Barbara harbor the marina looks great with all the boats and slips but the water is the wrong color. It's dark green which sharply contrasts the rest of the water in the ocean. Is there any way the color can be adjusted?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I can just think of 3 things that can cause that, bad video drivers, older video card or that's the color the water should be.
Someone else may have a better idea.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

Please tell me where you got that scenery you are talking about! ❓

Pro Member First Officer
freedspeak First Officer

I just got a new graphics card, an ATI Radeon X800XL PCIe but the water corruption occured before I bought the card. I think when I first downloaded the scenery the water looked ok.

Mypilot I got the scenery from the files on this site. I've seen it other places also. Pretty sure Avsim has it.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

If it looked OK before the new card (great card), how about the drivers. They should be cleaned out and reinstalled.
You need a decent power supply for that card, I wouldn't run it without at least a 450w P/S, it won't perform at it's best.


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