vectored to establish ILS contact and circle to land?

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

everything is like normal ILS landing except for being additionally instructed to "circle to land, downwind left traffic"......
how do I flying taffic pattern while maintaining ILS localizer and GS?
Is it a ususal ACT landing precedure?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

I believe you don't maintain the localizer and glide slope. It sounds like they want you to just fly the traffic pattern how they instructed, and when you turn final for the traffic pattern, the GS and localizer should re-intercept so you can land. Dont Know

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

I was vectered to intersect runway 2 at Raykjavik Int'l. The instruction was issued before I was intersecting the localizer, so I belived it was wrong and and ignored the circle to land instruction.......but when I touched down, the ATC said you are not cleared to land, clear the runway immediately....
i think in the real world, i would have to file an incident report.....

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

then i guess you have to do the traffic pattern

Pro Member Trainee
ToroGuns Trainee

nottobe wrote:

everything is like normal ILS landing except for being additionally instructed to "circle to land, downwind left traffic"......
how do I flying taffic pattern while maintaining ILS localizer and GS?
Is it a ususal ACT landing precedure?

A normal clearance would be something like this: "American six fifty six is five from the marker, turn left heading zero five zero, intercept the localizer at or above one thousand six hundred, cleared ILS runway two, circle to land runway two zero, Reykjavik tower on 118.7 at the marker."

After telling the tower you are "marker inbound," the local controller will again assign the circle to land directive, telling you the traffic pattern to fly, due to winds or other ATC needs.

This will only happen if the weather minima is at or above circling minimums.

You can request a straight-in landing, aircraft limitations or other traffic permitting.

If you have the circling minima, break off the approach when the airport is in sight and fly the (in this case) left downwind for runway 20.

In FS9, if the winds favor a runway other than the one you have chosen for your ILS, they will issue a circle to land directive. If you have set your ceiling/visibility to say 200-1/2, you cannot circle. I believe MSFS ATC does not know what you have set the ceiling/visibility to.

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