PM2-Concorde V2

Guest Guest

I think RadarMan would be best to answer this question, but by all means anyone else who can chime in is welcome to. I have been searching through all sorts of forums looking for assistance on the PM2-Concorde. I downloaded everything I could from FSFrance and installed it according to the installation instructions posted on their site. Unfortunatly I have had no luck installing the Concorde. I would happily go to the FsFrance forum and post my question there, but I dont speak or read french so I don't even know how to sign up for an account! Pathetic....I know. What I really need is for someone to tell me why they think that upon full installation (for like the 10th time) I don't get any guages on the 2D panel (all blacked out panel) and I get a sound error written in french. I cannot tell you how frusterated I have become with this. I take pride in being able to fix many of the buggy downloadable aircraft available for FS9 and 2002 but this one seems to be beyond by capabilities. I can, upon request, post the file structure and files in the folders so that you can see how I have it set up. I only have one livery and that is all I want and I am using the cockpit panel provided by AVSIM. Please help if you can. BTW the installation is on FS9.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I know that they don't have a panel ready (about a year now) and that avsim panel was supposed to be a substitute, but with the problems your having I guess not.

I think FEM has one of the older original French panels that he could upload for you.
Wait and someone will give you a better reply.

As for the pay-ware Concorde, I don't have it, someone again who does will chime in and help.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

Yeah, I've got the awesome old school panel! I have stupid dialup, I can send you a CD if you want, you can e-mail me at

Pro Member Trainee
Scott Archbold (Scotteiboi) Trainee

I had the same problem and got the file that will fix the problem from from a friend. Email me:

Pro Member Trainee
Dan Randall (Randalism) Trainee

Got the one from AVSIM and all is good. Was getting the errors before, trying to fly using virtual cockpit only. Great, but lack of control over VS with the AP.

In an unrelated incident, there are some flap-things hanging off of the bottom of the engines that are always open - I can not find out how to close them. I spent all of my fuel getting to mach 2 despite following the guide to the letter (also got some fishtailing occaisionally) and I think these flaps might have something to do with it. Tried the keys for everything from water-rudder to tail-hook with no success. Help?

Shadowjm3123 Guest

Those are the engine maintanence doors. And i have read that its impossible to close them

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