Runway 12 object placer

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

Sorry I thought I saw a thread about this before but couldn't find it.

What is Runway 12 object placer and where can I download it?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

There are many add-on objects now in the avsim library.
You use this to place them anywhere you please. Trucks, buildings etc at airports or any coordinates that you choose.


elpiloto Guest

mm.. pero este no es el programa.

Pro Member Trainee
curlyo Trainee

Hi mypilot

I use rwy12 in my scenery design. something that i'm new at' but enjoying. Along with afcad I downloaded them sometime ago from the utilities page on the site

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

elpiloto wrote:

mm.. pero este no es el programa.

Él deseó el cauce 12 y ese acoplamiento es él.
He wanted runway 12 and that link is it.


Pro Member Trainee
curlyo Trainee

mypilot. Have you tried I got it from their Utilities page, along with afcad, and ttools quiet sometime ago.

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