
Pro Member Captain
Zach (ranald) Captain

I plan on getting the LDS soon but until then I have to settle for the POSKY which is also a very good modal but like all POSKY d/loads there is no panel Mad and they still have not realesed the VC so does anyone know were I can get a good panel with everything working properly (I have been looking for ages and tried lots of different panels but there is always something rong 🙄 ) and if possible a working FMC.It does not have to be the 767-300 the 767-400 or any other will be fine.

Thanks for any help 😎

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

See how this one is.

(dead link removed)


Pro Member Captain
Zach (ranald) Captain

RM when I try to d/load it gives me an error and I get directed to some were else Mad

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I just tried and got the error also, too bad it looked nice.
Try this one and why don't you write to the site and tell them it won't work. Maybe you'll be able to download it at a later date.



Pro Member Captain
Zach (ranald) Captain

The above link is to a LDS repaint RM.I d/loaded a great panel for the POSKY 767-300ER (no FMC and the panel is ment for the 767-400 but its still good) and there is a few not working switchis the autobrake knob and the yaw dumper how do I fix these to work? In the readme instuctions it siad to d/load Pete Dawsons FSUIPC freeware to make sure any third party's panel or gauges work 😕 Were can I get this? One more thing do you now were the Windows/System 32 folder is?

Agian thanks for any help!

Pro Member Captain
Sam (SamIntel) Captain

and they still have not realesed the VC

It will come out in june. 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Windows System 32 folder, damage this and you'll have to reinstall Windows.
Double click on all of these in order. My Computer/"C" icon/Windows Folder/scroll down (alphabetically) to the folder. Why go there.

FSUIPC can be had at the developer site.


As for the switches and knobs, you'll have to get that from TTT, I don't fly big iron.


Pro Member Captain
Zach (ranald) Captain

Thanks RM I'm not going nere that folder if its that rishy

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