I was scavenging for 767's and I found an amazing 767 package on CaptainSim.com that has received many awards and I found one at Flight1.com- Level-D 767. The 767 on CaptainSim.com cost roughly $52 USD and the one on Flight1.com cost roughly $54 USD.
What should I buy?
I have done alot of research on this aircraft.
And I found this (it is from many comments on different page's etc.)
Level-D :
+ -has a realistic outside
- has a pretty good VC
- normal FMC
- framerate friendly
- - the VC is not so accurate as you (I) expect it to be
- you have only one model; so no expantions
- no weather radar
Captain Sim :
+ - has a good inside and outside
- a very good VC
- normal FMC
- you can buy extentions: cargo, -200, tanker, EWAC.
- has a weather radar (I think it's nothing special, but you have it :p)
- - not framerate friendly; so you need a strong computer!!!
- inside looks a bit as the inside of the B757 of CS (I don't know if you
mind that)
And another option that you didn't mentiond:
+ - great outside
- great VC
- you have expantions (same as CS)
- framerate friendly (I think)
- - not a very good FMC
- no weather radar
So my conclution:
-Level-D good if you want sonething thats quite easy and good
-Captain Sim fir those that have a good comeputer and want good quality
-CLS for those that realy love the outside it is fenomenal those details but not a very real experiance
(keep in mind that theres are my oppinions on the research that I have done)
Thank you very much for all the info. I just want to buy the BEST, ALL ROUND 767. Please let me know which to get. I have a very strong PC BTW. 😀
Than I think you should get the Captain Sim
As long you have a good comeputer
btw. at Captain Sim they also have a demo you can download. It is not realy mentiond to fly. All the verhicles are attached and flaps down spoilers up. It's just to let you see what it has. If your computer will run good on the demo the payware should run good too.
Ok. Thankyou for your very helpful information. I have done alot of research myself these past few days and have come to the final decision of getting the Level-D 767. Why get the Level-D 767? The Level-D 767 might be a bit outdated and what not not including winglets and not being updated from time-time but, the Level-D 767 is one of the most accurate and realisitic planes on the market. I didn't get the CaptainSim 767 because of the FPS problem and the many bugs including A/P controls. I decided not to buy the CLS 767 either because from what i've seen, it is more of 'lite' aircraft for less serious FS users. In other words, Level-D is the way to go if you want the closest possible to the real thing. 😀
Ok have fun with it 🙂
Thanks. Which 767 do you own? 🙄
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