I d/loaded the Project F100 and F70 and the the main gauges always seem to go blank after a while and I have to restart the engines to get the gauges working agian and this couses me to loose my IFR flight plan I just experienced this while on T/O and it was not good
Is there a fix for this or do I just need to d/load a different panel? There is also a problem with my PMDG 737NG were I can only seem to be able to contral engine 1 😕
No replies then 😞
If you have a NVIDIA card that can be the problem, uninstall the old and install different drivers.
See if that helps.
I have never heard of this problem before 😳 I have the latest Nvidia drivers installed.
The new F100 and F70 comes with its own panel,are you using that?
I have the latest Nvidia drivers and no probs
Yes I'm using the version with the panel and it came in the installer so everything should be working fine.
I fixed it I did not have the newest panel but what about the PMDG?
ranald wrote:
I fixed it I did not have the newest panel but what about the PMDG?
Have you updated the PMDG? ➡
Try pressing F2,that should pull both trottles back
I installed the update it should work know.Thanks for the help 😀
I came across PROJECT Fokker-100/70 https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/15255/project-fokker-70-100-v2/ a couple of days ago. I just installed it yesterday and I am still getting acquainted with these two a/c. I would rate the package as I have seen it thus far as very good, even though I came across a couple of sporadic bugs in the overhead panel switches. (minor stuff)
PF10070 version 2
The PF10070v2 software is a complete bundled package and includes:
* Two models, simulating the Fokker-100 and Fokker-70 aircraft.
* Operational panels: main, overhead, pedestal, wide-view and side-views.
* A total of 39 different liveries from real airliners. See the livery overview.
* Complete sound package.
* An sample flight to help you understand the basic functions of operation.
* A readme file to start with.
File size
: PF10070v2.zip
: v2.0
: 56 Mb
Update Package - June 2nd, 2005
This package contains the following updates and add-on's:
* An entirely new, three-page MFDU gauge containing:
- N1 / N2 / TGT / EPR bars and cabin warnings
- Fuel tanks contents / Fuel Used / Fuel Flow
- Oil / VIB indicators
- Ground handling, V-speeds and GPWS
* An ATC-ID gauge displaying the actual aircraft registration
* New Seatbelts / No Smoking gauges
* The README describes installation and all functionalities
: rcbpf-20.zip
: 785 KB
: Rob Barendregt
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