Pro Member Chief Captain
Chris102 Chief Captain

I found this Air Force One A380 design on
Has anyone seen an FS texture for it? I checked avsim, but they don't have it.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

I think you will ever see this aircraft painted in this scheme 🙄

Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

Yeah, I agree with TTT.

Pro Member First Officer
Barge First Officer

Chris102 wrote:

Has anyone seen an FS texture for it?

You're the repainter, Chris! 😂

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

Will the president ever use the A380? ❓ I doubt it. 😕

Pro Member Chief Captain
Chris102 Chief Captain

It's not likely - the A380 is French 😂

Also, it's too big - not all airports can or will accomodate the A380, which means the president can only go to certain areas on the VC-380.

If they do upgrade in the near future, I would expect to see a 777.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

It is a 747 they use right now, right? A 777 would be cheaper to operate.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Chris102 Chief Captain

They do use a 747-200 right now - two identical 747's actually. I just recalled that the Air Force requires 4 engines on an executive a/c. The 747ADV would be the best bet for a replacement.


If they require 4 engines, why do they have the 757?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

Chris102 wrote:

They do use a 747-200 right now - two identical 747's actually. I just recalled that the Air Force requires 4 engines on an executive a/c. The 747ADV would be the best bet for a replacement.

The four engine rule must be for saftey precations. Guest, maybe the 757 is not an executive a/c. 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
Chris102 Chief Captain

The 757 is called Air Force Two. It's used for government officials, especially the Vice President.

It's actually a C-32. It becomes Air Force Two when the VP is aboard.

Pro Member First Officer
sylvan First Officer

Chris102 wrote:

It's not likely - the A380 is French


Let's get it right. Please don't leave out everyone else when you say the Airbus is French. Maybe you should have said it's assembled in France. It's built by a European Consortium and the major break down is as follows:

Aft and forward fuselage and vertical tail plane is built in Germany.
Centre wing box, centre fuselage, nose section Radome built by France.
Tail planes and centre belly fairing built by Spain.
Wings built in the UK.

There is also about 30 suppliers based in the the USA. For example Goodrich in North Carolina which is providing the main landing gear.

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

I've noticed how much interest you have in AF one. I'm not saying anything but would you like to fly one of those 747's for a career one day.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Chris102 Chief Captain

sylvan wrote:

Chris102 wrote:

It's not likely - the A380 is French


Let's get it right. Please don't leave out everyone else when you say the Airbus is French. Maybe you should have said it's assembled in France. It's built by a European Consortium and the major break down is as follows:

Aft and forward fuselage and vertical tail plane is built in Germany.
Centre wing box, centre fuselage, nose section Radome built by France.
Tail planes and centre belly fairing built by Spain.
Wings built in the UK.

There is also about 30 suppliers based in the the USA. For example Goodrich in North Carolina which is providing the main landing gear.

Sorry for the misunderstanding - I'm not discriminating. I'm just saying that it is unlikely that the President of the United States would have a foreign A/C


Sorry - you can't have it as Air Force One - the European Union have put their trademark on it.

Ricardo Reyes Guest

Air Force One.  No matter the aircraft being used, whether it is the Boeing 707, 747, 757, even the Boeing 777, and let's not rule out the newest 787, whichever one the President of the United States is traveling in, that aircraft becomes Air Force One, the call sign the flight crew uses and answers to.  The four engine rule I believe would be required for foreign travel.  I say that due to the fact Donald Trump used the Boeing 757-200 VC32 on occasion, as seen on national television.

Now the, Boeing 747-8i that were never delivered by Boeing, to their designated foreign customer were grabbed up for re-purposing and it is those aircraft that are to become the newest versions of Presidential Aircraft, soley for carrhying the Seal of the President of the United States.  I think this is why we refer to them as Air Force One.

On another note, a newer and perhaps impressive aircraft than the 747 four engines,and the 777 two oversized engines, is the 787-9.  This aircraft has the ability to take off and then point almost vertically toward the sky.  Not only is this a Boeing sales pitch, but a well documented fact with flight recording data and video.  I believe this aircraft would make an excellent Air Force One, as so many of us like to call it, just on its performance alone.  Should Boeing ever take up that project and supply all the required enhancements and Classified adjustments, well, we'd have a very smart airplane.

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