Landing properly....

Pro Member Trainee
CoasterXtreme Trainee

I'm having a little trouble with landing still. I can get in line with the runway fine but i'm not sure about the power and speed. sometimes I come in and I don't make it to the runway and the plane lands before the runway. other times I come in and I have cut the engines to idle and when i pull the nose up the plane starts going up. I have tried making the plane come in slower but it always comes in too slow or too fast. I mostly fly the boeing planes and would really like to learn how to land these things. Other times I think i'm coming in at the right speed but the plane seems to drop over the runway and hits hard. Any tips on how much power or what speed and altitude to be at when landing?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

Depends on the aircraft. If you're using default FS9 aircraft, hit F10, and there'll be some checklists and speed information that will tell you landing approach speeds and things to that effect.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jake (JarJarBinks) Chief Captain

go through the checklist to see when you should desend and begin your aproach. also you need to lern how long to set the flaps /FLAPS ARE EVERYTHING YOZU KNOW/. hope that helps.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jake (JarJarBinks) Chief Captain

wait this helped me because i had the same prob. you have you see fly around begin your aproach or when you are on your final save flight so you can keep practicing landing and aproaching this helped me alot i mean alot. so try it

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

Try this



1. When ATC says something liek "WifeBeater 767, you are 32 Miles away. Turn right heading 105, descend and mantain 2,500 feet, cleared ILS runway 36R Approach". You have to click on your MAP icon in your cockipt. Then, move your mouse over the destination airport. Mind you, the airport MUST have the ILS feathers (thes are the green things that point to the runway). Double click on the airport. A list will show up. Scroll down the list untill you see a chart that shows Runway numbers. FInd 36R, or whatever your runway is. You look to the right and see a radio frequency. We'll use 100.100 because its easy to remember. Don't forget the frequency.

2. Open up your Radio Stack, and enter in 100.100 in the NAV1 Radio, usually the righmost radio number is the one that can be messed with. After you enter it 100.100, using the mouse wheel or clickin it. Press the button that looks like thsi somewhat, its in the middle of the 2 radio displays <-----> That changes the NAV1 Radio frequency from whatever it was, to what it is now (100.100)

3.Turn on the NAV1 Radio by clicking the switch at the bottom of the radio stack, unless its already on, like with the LearJet.

4. If you have Autopilot, and you are using GPS to follow waypoints, switch the NAV/GPS button back to NAV!!!! YOU CANT FORGET TO DO THAT!!! YOU'LL BURN AND DIE IF YOU DONT!!

5. Follow ATC directions to approach. Now, when you approach the Runway, you will see the pink arrows near your attitude indicator move...usually Heading first, then Altitude. Simply fly in the directon and atitude of the pink arrows intull they center themselves, that means you're on the glideslope!

6. If you wanna use the autopilot to fly the approach, simply follow steps 1-4, then click the APPR button on the autopilot panel.


Use the default C172, and practice with it until you can land the thing on one wheel with a 20 knot crosswind and 1/8 mile visibilty. <------ KIDDING

Do practice in smaller aircraft though. There is a reason why in reallife you start out in a Cessna 172 and not a Boeing 777. Go through the flying lessons in the game; they will help.

Pro Member Trainee
richkat Trainee

Have tried the landing on autopilot (boeing 737-400) and it has locked on but but the plane pitchs up and down all the time trying to follow the glideslope. What button should be engaged on the auto pilot besides app? and at what point should i take over from it? does the auto pilot control the speed as well to maintain glideslope?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

I guess this should help you. It is a guide made by me as a reference to the FEM's guide.

First of all, let me introduce you to the superb, easy-to-read and understand guide of the skillful Fire_Emblem_Master:


1. When ATC says something liek "WifeBeater 767, you are 32 Miles away. Turn right heading 105, descend and mantain 2,500 feet, cleared ILS runway 36R Approach". You have to click on your MAP icon in your cockipt. Then, move your mouse over the destination airport. Mind you, the airport MUST have the ILS feathers (thes are the green things that point to the runway). Double click on the airport. A list will show up. Scroll down the list untill you see a chart that shows Runway numbers. FInd 36R, or whatever your runway is. You look to the right and see a radio frequency. We'll use 100.100 because its easy to remember. Don't forget the frequency.

2. Open up your Radio Stack, and enter in 100.100 in the NAV1 Radio, usually the righmost radio number is the one that can be messed with. After you enter it 100.100, using the mouse wheel or clickin it. Press the button that looks like thsi somewhat, its in the middle of the 2 radio displays <-----> That changes the NAV1 Radio frequency from whatever it was, to what it is now (100.100)

3.Turn on the NAV1 Radio by clicking the switch at the bottom of the radio stack, unless its already on, like with the LearJet.

4. If you have Autopilot, and you are using GPS to follow waypoints, switch the NAV/GPS button back to NAV!!!! YOU CANT FORGET TO DO THAT!!! YOU'LL BURN AND DIE IF YOU DONT!!

5. Follow ATC directions to approach. Now, when you approach the Runway, you will see the pink arrows near your attitude indicator move...usually Heading first, then Altitude. Simply fly in the directon and atitude of the pink arrows intull they center themselves, that means you're on the glideslope!

6. If you wanna use the autopilot to fly the approach, simply follow steps 1-4, then click the APPR button on the autopilot panel.

Copyrights of Fire_Emblem_Master ® All rights Reserved ® Do not photocopy ( ) ©

I'm just kidding. Anyway, Fire_Emblem_Master should get an award for this guide. It helps a lot.

Well, this is your first step. There are different approaches that you can make to a runway: ILS, VOR, NDB ADF, GPS, and visual approach. I'm going to talk about the ILS approach, since Fire_Emblem_Master's guide refers to it.

When you are approaching the airport and before you contact with the Tower, you can do two different things:

1. Use the App. mode in the autopilot, so the autopilot makes the approach for you and you don't have to move a finger. Well, actually you do have to move your fingers. You need to control the speed and flaps, landing gears, autobrakes, etc. But the approach is perfomed entirely by the autopilot. To land, just disengage the App. mode, switch off the Auto Throttle and other switches if you want, and land the plane manually. That's what I usually do. But is good practice to perform a hand-approach. But I also perform hand-approaches, which I'd recommend you to learn it. This point comes to the second option.
Note: To use the App. mode you should have to se the NAV/GPS switch to NAV and you also should have the ICAO code of the airport in your GPS.

2. Don't use the App. Mode and do the approach manually. I know this is hard but you just need to practice, practice, and practice.
Before approaching the airport, you should tune to the ILS frequency of the runway. That means, set the ICAO code of your destination airport, go to the frequencies page and find your ILS (or whatever approach you use) frequency. You should set the right frequency. Example: you are going to land on runway 09, look to the ILS 09 frequency.
After that, set that frequency into the radio stack and turn on the Nav 1 or 2. Also check the MRK (marker) button, which is going to make sounds when you pass through different markers, like OM, IM, and MM. Then, arm the spoilers, set the flaps, retract the landing gear and set the autobrakes.
After this, all you have to do is look at Fire_Emblem_Master's ILS guide. That would help you. Start turning towards the runway heading and try to have the glide slope and the localizer needles in the center. If you have both needles in the center you are right on the altitude and heading. Just keep this and land manually.

That's it. Was it easy? Complicated? Boring? Did you get tired reading all this? I know, it's long, but helpful.

Guide made by FEM and Agus0404.

The point of taking over Auto Pilot depends on you. When you think you can land the plane from this point, switch off AP and land the plane.
The Auto Pilot doesn't control the speed. You are the one that controls it, as well as flaps. If you activate the APP mode, the AP will maintain the glideslope and the localizer.

Andy2005 Guest

When I fly an ILS approach I put the speed into my autothrottle and disengage it a little before the threshold. Is this normal? Does anyone else do it? It works perfectly for me.

Pro Member First Officer
Michael_H First Officer

I usually do it that way too Andy.....

dutchvanhuizen Guest

Good evening pilots,

This is how you should perform an ILS. About 50 miles before landing the ATC brief you the aproach. Something like you´re cleared to land on runway 20L. Now simply push in the PROC. knob in the GPS. Select your airport in the list. Go back to the PROC.knob again and activate ´´the vectors to final.``In the main screen you should push the outerknob. push the innerknob about 4 times and now select the ILS frequentie. Just push on the ILS frequentie and it should automaticilly be tuned into NAV1. You can also read the course heading and you should enter it into the MCP course. (you have absolutly not to look in the world map, just do it while flying and get all the airport information from GPS otherwise it wil decrease your fly experience )
Once the ATC have cleared you for a landing on final fly just fly the airplane to the heading that they suggest.( you can check status in the GPS ) Directly after that illuminate NAV hold in MCP. Once the AP begins to intercept the localizer( you can see that in green on the attitude indicator ) Illuminate APP. If the glide is on notch away of the center line lower your gear and flaps 15. Deaccelarate to VREF + 5 ( or 10 ) depending on weather conditions. With flaps 30. (Autbobrakes and spoilers should already be armed on 5000 feet). Watch the minimums. 100 feet away on touchdown disconnect AP en AT. On 50 feet away of touchdown raise the nose slightly. 30 feet away get the thrust back to idle. On rollout activate reverse thrust and deactivate it on 60 knots.
in real life there are two of even three APs to perform a autoland. Unfortunality the aircrafs and especially the default boeings in fs have too few options on the MCP.
For a unbelivible experience buy the 767 from levelD. (flight1)

groeten (greetings),
R. van Huizen 😉

dutchvanhuizen Guest

you can of course perform a manual approach. It´s not very difficult if you know the course of the runway. I do it like this : I intercept the localizer. than i stabilize the trim. If you do correct you dont have to raise or lower the nose anymore. Make small lateral adjustments ,example:
If you are too far right then you should go al little to left and then INMIDIATLY fly back to the runwayHEADING. If the runwayheading is 271 then you should land with a heading of 271.
When the glideslope centers do NOT lower the nose. So if you did correct with the trim earlier you just should decrease or increase the power to stabilize the vertical speed to hold the glidepath.
If you land perfect it is very satisfising. ( ehhhh is it spelled correctly ? )
Have i told u about of a perfect dutch scenery freeware ? ( even better than payware? ) Go to

The file is 217 mb large but it is worth it.

Pro Member First Officer
twistedsucker First Officer

Three letters: GPS

Pro Member First Officer
lds_soldier First Officer

I'd have to agree. I just flip on the GPS and keep zooming in, then I know right where I am. All you have to do then is control your throttle which just takes practice. I also learned by using the 172 in the Flying Lessons mode. Don't skip the lessons, they work. Just swallow your pride and listen to the instructor. A little patience goes a long way too.

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