Is my computer spec any good??????????

Pro Member Trainee
Ben (cacalala2000) Trainee

Just a query really I have the following spec
XP serv pack 2
sempron 3100+
512 ram
64 mb graphic card

Just had game before with same graphics card butter everything was a bit slower and game would run very very slow and jerky would this happen on this comp
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks 😀

Answers 6 Answers

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ninety5eclipz Guest

Up the RAM to 1gb and also upgrade the graphics card.

Pro Member First Officer
jelami First Officer

I agree with Ninety

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Yes you do need a quality video card and upping the ram would help.
They are giving you good advise if you want the sim to perform well and look good.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

The reason who most of us upgrade our PCs is (in the most of cases) the resources that a games needs for being playble.

The games companies spending a lot of money and hours in research and development to get their games more realistic and in order to manage it the resoyrces that needed from a pc getting bigger and bigger.And of course thats a good reason to make us spend money (to pay the hours of R & D 😉 ) at least one time per year to upgrade our machines.Thats life.

So my friend cacalala i think that the time for u to spend money has comes 😉 .I agriee with all the others about upgrade ur ram at least to 1gb and get a new graphic card at least with 128mb ram.

MarkTheNevadaDude Guest

Okay my computer specs are:
Pentium 4 3.8Ghz
512mb ATI Radeon X800 PRO
4Gb of ram

I went like extreme with the upgrades but if you get something even the slightest bit close to that,your game will run like never before.NOTE:It's gonna cost you like $900-$1000 for all the exact same upgrades i have.


ninety5eclipz wrote:

Up the RAM to 1gb and also upgrade the graphics card.

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