How big is your fleet?

How many different types of planes do you have?
 34%  [ 10 ]
 13%  [ 4 ]
 17%  [ 5 ]
 34%  [ 10 ]
Total Votes : 29
Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

How many different types of planes do you have? (Not repaints of the same version)

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

I just got FS back up and running, so I had to re-install my fleet. 95% of which is Heavy Jets

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😳 293 aircraft 😳
A lot of those are my AI traffic via Traffic2004

BTW repaints dont show 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I thought TTT was bad, including my Ultimate Traffic I have a little over 340 folders in my main aircraft folder.
7 across, 50 down with some odd entries in line 50.
It should be higher, I've been lazy the last few weeks.

I don't have much add-on scenery because of a small h/d and the FPS hit I would take, but I like to load "odd" aircraft instead.


Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😀 Dump 1/2 them planes and get some scenery going(you only fly low in them tail doodarrs ROFL )

Not all scenery hits your FPS

Pro Member Captain
Sam (SamIntel) Captain

I have 1-50 for aircraft I use. If I include AI traffic I have 101-200.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

I have 127 at present. It is an ecclectic bunch. A bunch of Military transports , some fighters, a few business jets, heilcopters and very few heavy commercial planes.

Oddly enough, I favor the planes that aren't usually called beautiful.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Chris102 Chief Captain

I have about 150 planes in my fleet. Mostly heavies, helicopters, and USAF VIP Transport.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

AWESOME signature Chris! I just noticed it too, sorry

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

my hanger is small, besides the FS04 default fleet, I only have an F1 Conquest and a Level-D 767.....but the 767 has been grounded since I bought it, coz I still dont have enough time to read the 150 page manual..... so she has never taken into the sky yet 🙂
oh by the way, I dont count the AI aircraft in my hanger

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

I install practically every plane I see. You never know, I may fly them some day.

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

mypilot wrote:

I install practically every plane I see. You never know, I may fly them some day.

hehe,...there is a saying: less is more 😂

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

Nottobe, take that beast up man! If you dont have time, I do!!! I'd take a CD of it if it can be CD'ded!!!

You would get Ultimate Traffic and the Concorde from fsfrance in return!

Pro Member Trainee
FlorisGroeneveld Trainee

I have around 70 planes, mostly addon heavy jets

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

Fire_Emblem_Master wrote:

Nottobe, take that beast up man! If you dont have time, I do!!! I'd take a CD of it if it can be CD'ded!!!

You would get Ultimate Traffic and the Concorde from fsfrance in return!

Sorry buddy, its a downlad version, no Cd at all....... Plus I have UT, and no thirst for the Concorde speed.....thanks for the kindly offer 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

I have around 140 planes.

Pro Member Trainee
Andrew (n287s) Trainee

over 400

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

I only have 7. The about 5 Abacus Flight Deck III planes. But I very rarely use these. But I only use 2 planes in FS9. That is the F1 Cessna Skyhawk 172R. That is the best GA planes money can buy. And the PMDG Express Beech 1900D which I am going to get the Reality-XP Jet Line 2 guages for it. That is such a good airplane. I only need 2 planes to fly.

Pro Member Trainee
Geoff Cox (coxy) Trainee

addons total 33 plus the default and my traffic, I have just added California Classics A1 propliners which pushes me over 212, love those old birds around the 40s>>>60s

Pro Member First Officer
lds_soldier First Officer

I have 412 different planes, bout 150 of which are AI. Most of my planes are off-beat transports and smallcraft. I'm not much for the heavy metal, too much work. I just hit good sites and download all they've got that I don't. Starting to get difficult. All I really do now is find new paint schemes. I have yet to figure out how to do my own. But anyhow, that's my number.

Pro Member First Officer
lds_soldier First Officer


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